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Copyright 2008 Shell International, CA-CX – Shell in the World – FULL.ppt 中石油-壳牌财务交流 CNPC-Shell Finance Exchange Treasury Management Global Finance Organisation Joint Venture Manual Joint Venture Manual Financial Control Manual--Identified high risk area Assurance Process Assurance Committee Our Treasury vision Strong treasury function Our Treasury Model is standardised Single Interface to cash management banks * 27 October 2009 Zhang, Hong Head of Treasury Managers China restructuring currently in progress Finance Delivers Value Subject to appropriate consultation with relevant employee representative bodies Shell Control Framework /control_framework/ Joint Venture Manual Joint Venture Governance Processes Risk Management Strategy Planning Delegation of Authority Performance Appraisal Assurance and Compliance Stakeholder Management Benefits of Risk Management in JVs Enable engagement with partners and JV management or operator Reduce uncertainties/Identify key stakeholders/Prioritize resources Risk Management Responsibility in JVs The Shareholder Representative is responsible for the development and maintenance of a risk assessment of the JV in line with Shell Risk Management process The Shell Nominated Directors to a JVC should review Risk Management Approach within the JV, if not satisfactory, encourage other directors or committee members to improve the JV Risk Management Approach. Strategy Planning Strategy - Businesses should ensure that each JV’s strategy is aligned with overall Shell Strategy: The management of the JV develops its strategy under supervision of the JV Board or Operating Committee. It is the fiduciary duty of the Directors to act in the best interest of the JV. It is the role of the Shareholder Representative to ensure that the strategy is aligned with the strategy of the Shell Business: Planning-- JV Business Planning should align: Shareholders’ views/External Environment/JV Management input Risk Management Risk assessmen


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