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本期导读 Nature Geoscience: 全球湖泊蒸发 加剧与气候变化关联大 Science : 超级净水膜诞生! 抗生素、微生物污染成水环境新挑 战 全球淡水可用性变化趋势出炉 我国全面打响蓝天、碧水、净土三 大保卫战 2018 年 第2 期(总第20 期) [4-6] 月 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,图书馆 江苏省海洋湖沼学会 联合编制 湖泊科学动态 (4-6 月) 1. Global lake evaporation accelerated by changes in surface energy allocation in a warmer climate 3 2. Cascading lake drainage on the Greenland Ice Sheet triggered by tensile shock and fracture4 3. The world’s largest High Arctic lake responds rapidly to climate warming 5 4. Climate and anthropogenic contributions to the desiccation of the second largest saline lake in the twentieth century 5 5. Pronounced summer warming in northwest Greenland during the Holocene and Last Interglacial 6 6. Hydroclimatic changes of Lake Bosten in Northwest China during the last decades 7 7. Hydrological network and classification of lakes on the Third Pole 7 8. Exploration of an urban lake management model to simulate chlorine interference based on the ecological relationships among aquatic species 8 9. Demonstration project of eutrophic water purification by a multicomponent system 8 10.Experimental evidence for rapid genomic adaptation to a new niche in an adaptive radiation 9 11.Global hidden harvest of freshwater fish revealed by household surveys 9 12.Genetic and developmental origins of a unique foraging


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