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摘 要 知识经济时代的已经到来,高等教育得到迅速发展,社会对优秀人才的需求日 益膨胀,学生对专业知识的渴望有增无减。由此可见,高校若要在高教改革的大潮 中立足并得到良好的发展,那么培育一批优秀的专业课教师以提高自身核心竞争力 就成为当下刻不容缓的任务。对于高校这样的特殊组织,它与企业不同,如何将企 业的绩效管理方法适当地运用到高校,也是一个值得探讨的问题。实行绩效管理对 提高高等学校的整体管理水平和办学效益、提高教师的工作效率、加强管理者与教 师的沟通和交流都有着积极作用。因此,克服传统教师绩效管理体系中存在的不足, 确立更加科学合理的高校专业课教师绩效管理实施系统已成为时代的迫切要求。 (1)通过分析大学专业课教师的职业特点和绩效构成,运用归纳法提炼了大学专 业课教师的绩效特征,建立了专业课教师绩效管理模型。 (2)结合平衡计分卡的思想提炼了教研成果、行为、态度、素质 4 类指标,构建 了专业课教师绩效考评体制。 (3)在对大学专业课教师绩效提升的原理分析之后,提出了从心理契约、绩效管 理、激励机制 3 方面着手提升其绩效。 关键词:大学专业课教师;绩效特征;绩效考评;绩效管理 Abstract As knowledge economy era coming , it takes the higher education rapid development.The community needs more talents and the students desire to increase professional knowledge more. Thus, universities want to get a good foothold in the tide of reform of higher education and development, then to cultivate a group of outstanding professional teachers to improve their core competitiveness has become an urgent immediate task.It is a question worth exploring to how to implement performance management in the special organization of colleges and universities, which is different from business enterprise. The implementation of performance management has an active role in improving the overall management of higher education levels, operating efficiency, enhancing the efficiency of teachers, strengthening communication and exchanges between administrators and teachers. Therefore, to overcome the traditional system of teacher performance management’s weaknesses, to establish a more scientific and rational implementation system of Performance Management of Professional Teachers in Universities has become the urgent requirement of the times. First of all, this thesis studies the relationship of the factors affecting the performance of the professional teachers, and establishes performance management model for professional teachers. After that, this thesis refines key performance indicators by using the ideology of BSC, gives weight by using AHP, and constructs the performance



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