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州唰叫Rdwmm型。 州唰叫Rdw mm型。 刷刷刷啼 , 唰喇喇 ,, 恻唰A唔 阳 川川00 唰恻川阳1· 刷刷Y 论文终于全部写完了,回头想想这段写论文的日子,真是百感交集,但我最想表 达的两个字就是:感谢。 感谢我的导师周志远副教授,感谢您对我的谆谆教诲,感谢您在百忙中抽出时间 细致修改我的论文,感谢您给我的巨大帮助和…搏的鼓励。 我也要感谢浙江师范大学的自樱和给过我帮助的其他老师,虽然我是个提问多多 的学生,但是你们总是热情耐心地帮我解决问题。 我要感谢浙江科技学院的各位间事和朋友,在我进行论文调研时期给了我很多帮 助. 同时还要感谢的是参加本次调研的浙江科技学院 08 级英语专业的学生,你们的 积极配合是我研究的成功基础。 我要特别感谢我的家人,一直在我身边鼓励和支持我。尤其是我的女川,她还不 到一岁,但是为了让我安心写论文,我的公公婆婆一直在杭州帮我带着孩子。 感谢所有帮助过我,和给予我热情鼓励的人们,我会继续努力的,这篇文章不会 是我研究工作的句点,它是我未来研究工作的起点 o ABSTRACT Classroom questioning is an old and effective knack for teacher,and it is also a neωssary segment for 由e teachers ωorganize the classroom activities.ηlerefore , teachers questioning has álways been 伽,e focus of research attention in language classrooms of forei伊 language teaching for many years. Those studies primarily focus on 也,e types of que州ons and the 仕equency ( Long Sato[I),Brock[2] and Nunan[3] ), wait time (Rowe 阴)and dis创bution of teachers 刷刷ioning ( Nunan [5]). However ,如was not until in the late 1990s the researchers at home began ωmake empirical studies on Coll与:e English teachers c1assroom questio?ing. Based on 也e previous researche旷 inspiration,也,e present study a伽mptedωresearch the relationship between teachers questioning and different levellearners oral OUtput to analyze and discuss the effective way of improving students English le町ning. The subjects involved in this research were 50 sophomores of Englísh major and a teacher from Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. According ωthe scores of an oral 阳悦, we divide these students into high levellearners and low level learners. The method of naturalistic obs时vation is used in this study,and the c1assroom observations and audioreωrdings were conducted continuously for a month to collect all the data and later .. these first-hand data were analyzed by SPSSI7.0. The pu叩ωes of this study are as follows: What are the inf1uences of different question types on the oral output of different level learners i



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