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从而提高了轻骨料与水泥石之间的粘结性能;另一方面,是由于陶粒的内养护作用 使轻集料附近的水泥能更充分地水化,增加了界面区的密实程度。微膨胀抗裂轻质 湿接缝混凝土 28d 抗压强度达到 64.2MPa,28d 抗折强度达到 7.7MPa,韧性指数 I20 达到 21.3,60d 龄期时混凝土的体积变形基本稳定,此时膨胀率为 2.5×10-4,抗渗等 级达 P12 以上。 4)为了提高铺装上面层的防水防渗、水稳定性、抗高温抗软化和低温开裂及抗 疲劳性能,研究制备出高粘高弹应力吸收层材料和上面层高粘 SMA-16 沥青混合 料。 5)借用 ANSYS 对钢桥面铺装层进行了静载作用下的仿真模拟分析。结果表明, 随着剪力钉分布逐渐密集,钢桥面铺装层各项应力应变指标有所降低,根据受力分 析结果,300mm×300 mm 为最佳选择方案,但是考虑到最大横向、纵向拉应力为 1.76MPa、1.97MPa,应力低于铺装下面层用的高韧性 LC50 混凝土的抗拉强度(3d 抗拉强度 5.0MPa),综合考虑经济效益以及受力性能,剪力钉分布间距为 400mm ×400mm 是较为合适的。 关键词:钢桥面铺装层材料 轻质混凝土 工作性控制 高韧性 应力分析 Abstract Coincided with the period of Chinas rapid economic development, roads and bridges network is being formed quickly. Large-span steel bridges, for its light weight, economical, easy to set up and other characteristics, are more and more widely used. However, with the time past, its shortcomings are gradually exposed; many domestic steel bridges soon appeared diseases in its steel deck pavement. The mainly disease are fatigue cracking, rutting, lapse, upheaval and debonding. For the problem mentioned above, a research is carried out to study the material and structural design of the deck pavement of large-span steel truss steel bridge combining with a maintaining project of Zhicheng Yangtze River Bridge. Through the analysis of failure modes and disease causes of this pavement, its material and structural design is determined, and its material performance requirements are identified. Based on that, the pavement material, in particular the bottom layer material - high strength and high toughness lightweight concrete, is studied and prepared. With the help of ANSYS, stress- strain of the structure of this steel bridge deck pavement under static wheel loads is analyzed. Results are as follows: By the study of disease causes of steel bridge deck pavement, its structure is decided as: steel panel + shear studs + mesh reinforcement + light-weight and high-toughness concrete + bonding layer + SMA16. And the performance requirements of pavement mat



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