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I I 摘要 21 世纪的教育是以学生为学习的主体,以培养创新精神、社会适应能力、 开发学生的潜能和实践能力为主线的教育;强调培养学生学会学习、学会做人, 学会做事、学会生存的能力,重视对学生的启发诱导和因材施教,使学生养成 终身学习的习惯;形成融知识、能力、素质培养为一体的教学过程。新的教育 理念的提出,使得普通高校公共体育课也面临着重大挑战,如何打破传统的技 能掌握教学为主导的教学现状,引入适应时代发展的体育教学方法,已经成为 当前乃至以后相当长时间内高校面临的重大课题。本文通过教学实验对传统教 学方法和比赛教学方法进行对比研究,论证比赛教学方法在术科教学中发挥的 作用,期望为高校素质教育改革供指导可参考意见。 本文运用文献资料、访谈法、问卷调查、数理统计、逻辑分析对比赛教学 法进行了深入的研究。从贯彻高校体育教学“以人为本”、“健康第一”、“终身 体育”的指导思想,结合高校排球选项课的教学特点,在理论上建立比赛教学 方法的指导思想、教学目标、操作程序、教学评价、教学过程和结构体系。并 通过中山大学南方学院排球选项课的教学实验,探析比赛教学法与传统教学法 对学生学习排球技术的影响和对学生体育学习动力调节系统(体育学习动机、 体育学习兴趣、体育学习态度)的影响,进一步论证比赛教学方法在高校公共 体育教学中对提高教学效果和学生学习成绩的作用。 实验研究结果表明: 1 在高校排球选项课教学中运用比赛教学法大幅度提高了排球教学的效 果; 2 比赛教学法符合排球运动学习规律; 3 比赛教学法符合大学生的心理、生理特点,充分提高了学生学习的积极 性和主动性; 4 比赛教学法提高了学生们的团队意识和合作精神,使学习过程更显张力。 关键词:传统教学法;比赛教学法;高校排球选项课。 II II ABSTRACT In the 21st century, education which regards the cultivation of spirit of innovation, the social ability, development of the students potential and practice ability as the main line of the education, is based on the students who are the leading status of study. It emphasizes on training students how to learn to study and work, learn to adjust the society life and gain the ability to survive, focuses on the enlightenment and guidance of students, teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, integrate knowledge, ability with quality in teaching process in order to develop their habit of lifelong learning. The new education idea and concept require the ordinary university public physical education how to break down the traditional skills master teaching as the leading teaching situation, the introduction of adapting to the sports teaching methods for hair college physical education service, which has become high major issue are faced now and later in a quite long time. In this paper, the traditional teaching method and competing teaching method will be compared by means of an experiment of teaching the university volleyball classes. This teaching method shows its great influence and a new best teaching method of th



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