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华中科技大学硕士学位论文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I I 摘 要 随着中国社会的城镇化以及机动车保有数量的急剧增加,城市交通状况持续恶 化。应用计算机视觉与模式识别技术对机动车牌照的自动有效识别是智能交通领域 的重要课题之一,是实现智能化交通管理的重要手段,对此技术的研究具有重大的 实用价值。 车辆牌照自动识别系统目的是建立一个完全由计算机系统来实现的机动车牌照 字符识别系统。该系统将硬件部分获得的车辆牌照图像通过软件技术进行识别处理, 输出可编辑的文本信息。 文章针对车牌识别中的四个技术难点,提出了相应的算法: 在二值化算法中,改进了一种基于数学形态学的 Otsu 二值化算法。此算法能够 有效的克服不均匀光照的影响,自适应能力强,对于处理的车牌图像可以达到满意 的二值化效果。 倾斜校正算法改进过程上,在兼顾质量、效率的前提,提出了改进希尔加权垂 直投影法。同垂直投影法相比,该算法加快程序的运行的速度,特别是边框问题, 算法做出有效的校正和补偿。 在字符分割算法中,将基于模糊聚类和连通域的字符分割算法进行了改进。该 算法不仅能分割出清晰的车牌图像,还能对模糊图像、倾斜图像以及带有边框的图 像得到正确的分割。 最后,提出了一种改进的模板匹配算法对车牌字符进行识别。主要改进之处在 于匹配的策略,即对于分割出来的字符图像,先采用细化处理,利用模板匹配的方 法找到图像的分组,然后再进行细比对,确定最终识别的结果。实验结果表明,这 种方法使识别正确率得到有效提高。 关键词:车牌识别 二值化 倾斜校正 字符分割 字符识别 II II Abstract With the increment of vehicle all over the world, the situation of city traffic is attracted the recognition of people. How to manage the traffic effectively has become the focus of governments and transportation sectors more and more. License Plate Recognition System is one of the important subjects for research on pattern recognition and computer vision technology in the field of intellectual traffic system, and it is also the important method to realize intelligent traffic administration, so it is important to do some research on it. This topic is a part of License Plate Recognition System, has established one completely the license plate character recognition system which realizes by the software. This system will input the car license color image through recognition processing, the string of character which the output might edit. After the related techniques in the world have been studied, corresponding algorithms have been proposed according to four key points in the license plate segmentation system. A binarization method of vertical projection combined with image morphology is brought forward. It overcome variables unfavorable factors, such as poor image quality etc, and get a good result in the end. Consider of both accuracy and efficiency, the thesis proposes a new tilt correc


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