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Title: Research on college students moral cognition Major: Ideological ànd Political Education
Name: XI WANG Signature:立陶
Supervisor: Prof. Xuan SHEN
Signature:_jTVI.2 μ
College students are in values,world outlook and outlook of the formation of a critical period,to face the collision of various ideological and cultural of society,students certainly endured temptation and test of multiple values,and the mora1 cognition is the foundation of College Students moral reason,moral cognition education right is p缸ticu1缸1y important for
college students. Great changes have taken p1ace in the situation of contempor红y college students cognition and be岛re the reform and opening up,through the theoretica1 research on mora1 cognition 企om 由e point of view of the comprehensive analysis,can effective1y find the
feasibility of current situation of contemporary university students mora1 cognition and improve the. Under the impact of westem culture,the social environment has undergone profound changes to make students have doubts about thé moral cognition. And in our society,a 10t of
real case a1so reflects the Chinese Contemporary College Students moral cognition has a 10t of problems. It also reminds the Chinese educationa1 workers shou1d atiach great importance to the
mora1 education of College students.
Research on the choice of cognitive moral prob1ems of college students is to he1p students to form correct moral cognition,can correct choice direction of life and the idea1 of 1ife in the future of life on the road. Through the literature method,questionnaire method,the longitudinal comparison and to compare the combination method and other methods,three universities in
the city of university students moral cognition level has carried on the questionnaire investigation and statistics,a systematic classification analysis to the investigation result is obtained after the college students mora1 cognition: the who1e is basically correct,moral cognit
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