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法官职业权益保障研究 中文摘要 中文摘要 在中国法治建设迅速发展的今天,法官职业化建设已成法律人的共识。法官 职业权益保障作为法官职业化建设的底线,包括人身权益保障、职责权益保障、 政治权益保障、经济权益保障和社会权益保障五个方面。法官职业权益保障的价 值功能在于其有利于推动法官的职业化建设,有利于法官独立审判,有利于维护 司法权威。 就目前法官职业权益保障缺失的现状而言,法官队伍正面临着人身安全受威 胁、职业权益受干涉、经济权益难保障、社会权益有缺失等种种困境。造成这种 缺失的原因,从根本上说在于经济基础、法治环境和民众基础的缺乏。但我国法 官职业权益保障是具有现实可行性的。从外部环境来看,国民经济的快速发展是 物质前提,司法改革的不断深化是体制保证,民众法律意识的不断提高是社会基 础;从现有理据来看,国外的法官职业权益保障经验是完备的制度凭借,《法官法》 等立法规定是有力的规范支撑;从自身因素来看,法官自身素质的不断提升提供 了扎实的资质保障,部分法院的探索实践提供了良好的经验累积。面对这样的现 状,构建完善的法官职业权益保障体系,应当立足于国情与司法实践,从体制、 程序和制度三个层面着手,稳步推进司法体制改革,逐步改进法院运行和监督机 制,建立健全各项法官职业权益保障制度。 关键词:法官职业权益 体制 程序 制度 作 者:晏 昕 指导老师:孙 莉 Abstract Study on the guaranty of judges professional interests Study on the guaranty of judges professional interests Abstract Today, the building of rule of law is developing rapidly in China, the construction of the professionalization of judge has already become the consensus of the law. Protection of judges’ professional rights, as the bottom line of construction of the professionalization of judge,including five aspects as the protection of personal rights, responsibal rights, political rights, economic security and social interests. The value of judge vocational protection is that it is helpful of promoting the construction of professionalization of judge, is in favor of trial judging independently, is useful to maintain the judicial authority. On terms of the status of lack of the judges’ vocational interests security, judges are faced with threats of personal safety, interference of professional rights and interests, difficult protection of economic interests, lack of social rights and the other various difficulties. The reason, fundamentally, is the economic base, legal environment and lack of popular base. However, Protection of judges’ professional rights has the practical feasibility in China. From the external environment, the rapid growth of national economy is the material support,the deepening of judicial reformation is the institutional guarantees, the continuous improvemen



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