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摘 要 20世纪60年代以来,随着计算机和信息技术的飞速发展,数字信号处理技术应运而生并得到迅速的发展。数字信号处理是一种通过使用数学技巧执行转换或提取信息,来处理现实信号的方法,这些信号由数字序列表示。在过去的二十多年时间里,数字信号处理已经在通信等领域得到极为广泛的应用。由于现代国民经济对电力供应的依赖性日益增大,停电事故造成的后果和损失越来越严重。在线监测高压电容型设备的介质损耗角(简称介损) 可以有效的判断设备的绝缘状况。为了提高电力系统高压电气设备监测的安全性、可靠性及信息化指标,研究了一种基于DPS芯片的新型高压电容型设备介损在线监测系统。可以实时掌握设备运行状态。系统采用绝对比较法来测量介损,并采用RS485通讯模式实现远程控制和数据传输。监测终端将采集到的数据进行放大、滤波、模数转换后通过RS485传输到主机,最后由专家软件对设备的绝缘性能进行判断。试验结果表明,该系统介损测量的可信度、精确度和稳定度比传统仪器有很大提高,具有较大的使用和推广价值。 关键词: DPS芯片 介质损耗角 在线监测 绝对比较法 RS485 ABSTRACT Since the nineteen sixties, along with the computer and the rapid development of information technology, digital signal processing technology, emerge as the times require and gets a rapid development. Digital signal processing is through the use of a mathematical skills to perform the conversion or extraction of information, to deal with real signals, these signals by digital sequence. In the past twenty years, the digital signal processing in telecommunications and other fields has been widely applied. TI, Freescale and other semiconductor manufacturers in this field is very strong.Modern national economy on the dependence of the power supply increases day by day,Outage the consequences caused by the accidents and loss more and more serious,High voltage capacitor online monitoring of the equipment can be effective dielectric loss Angle of the insulation of the equipment condition Judge,In order to improve the high voltage electrical equipment monitoring power system of safety, reliability and informatization index,A new study of high voltage capacitor dielectric loss equipment on-line monitoring system ,which is based on DPS.Can real time control of the running state of the equipment。System uses absolute comparison to measure loss measurement,And adopt RS485 communication mode to realize the remote control and data transmission,Monitoring terminal will be the data collected were enlarged, filtering, module after converting to host transmission by RS485,Finally by experts of the insulat


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