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[键入文字] 吉林大学 本科毕业论文 ————————————————————————— 光分插复用器研究与应用 ————————————————————————— The Study and Application of OADM 作者姓名: 学号学院:通信工程学院 专业名称:光通信科学与技术 指导老师: (教授) 摘 要 目前,光纤通信已成为支撑通信传输网络的主流技术,传统的光纤通信正快速地向下一代的全光通信演进。光分插复用器(OADM)节点是全光网络的关键节点之一,可以实现对特定波长光信号的上、下载。从光分插复用器的设计原则入手,对现有的光分插复用器进行了总结和比较,按照结构特点将其分为六类基本形式:基于声光可调谐滤波器(AOTF)的OADM;基于磁调谐FBG的OADM;基于波长光栅路由器(WGR)的OADM;分波器+空间交换单元+合波器型OADM;耦合单元+滤波单元+合波器型OADM;基于模间耦合的全光纤型OADM。 光分插复用器具有结构简单、可调谐范围大、隔离度高、成本低等特点, 可广泛应用于各种WDM光网络。本文介绍依据不同的原理制作的光分插复用器,以及它的功能结构,性能特点,实现方案以及在全光网中应用。给出OADM的一些最新研究进展并对发展前景进行展望。 关键字 光分插复用器(OADM) 全光网络 声光可调谐滤波器(ATOF) ABSTRACT At present, optical fiber communication has become the major technology of the transmission network. The traditional fiber communication is turning its steps to all-optical network. As the key point of all optical-network, Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer can add or drop optical signal of single wavelength. Current OADMS (optical add-drop multiplexers) are summaried and compared based on the rule of design. According to their structures, all of them are classified to six types: OADM based on AOTF (acoustic optical tunable filter); OADM based on magnetic tunable FBG(Fiber Bragger Grating); OADM based on WGR (Wavelength Grating Router); OADM based on division multiplexing element, wavelength switching element and multiplexer; OADM based on coupling element, filtering element and multiplexer; All-fiber OADM based on mode coupling. The OADM has many advantages such as simple structure, wide tunable range, highly isolation, low cost and so on. It can be widely used in practical WDM system. In this thesis, I will introduce kinds of OADM according to different theories. And its functional structure, features, implementations and applications in all-optical network. Give some recent progress of OADM and prospects for prospects. Keywords optical add-drop multiplexer all-optical network ?acoustically tuned optical filter 目录 TOC



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