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PAGE PAGE 14 捕捉消費價值結構:方法目的鏈行動加值產業分析 黃國平 國立成功大學交通管理科學系副教授 方嘉儷 國立成功大學電信管理研究所碩士 陳邦誠 國立成功大學交通管理科學系研究所博士班研究生 摘要 消費者消費意願及其結構,影響產品能否能被接受及其消費成長速度,本研究建立質化、量化的程序並以行動加值產業為例,說明利用「方法目的鏈」及相關統計分析捕捉消費價值結構的方法與程序,並利用屬性、結果、價值三個層級及其中個別項目間的迴歸關係以顯示消費價值結構中的各種可能關聯。研究發現消費者對行動加值服務的屬性以內容、技術環境、優化、入門為關鍵因素,服務結果則以多元化生活、效率與安全考量、解決問題與提供在地資訊、便捷為關鍵因素。迴歸分析並指出在全部可能的88條價值路徑中顯著存有31條(35.23%)路徑。在消費結果中並以「多元化生活」和「效率與安全考量」兩因素連結最多顯著的價值路徑;「便捷」則不是關鍵的結果因素。同時價值結構的形成明顯遵循屬性至服務結果再至價值的層級關係,然而少數亦可能直接從屬性連結至價值。此外因素分析萃取得到解釋變異量大之因素,相對會有較多價值路徑經過該因素。而個案產業分析證明所建立的質化結合量化捕捉消費價值結構的程序是可行的。 關鍵字:消費價值結構、方法目的鏈、行動加值產業 Capture Consumers’ Value Structure: An Employment of MEC in Industry of Mobile Data Service ABSTRACT The penetration rate of mobile phones in Taiwan reached 103.2% by 2007. However the popularity of the mobile internet was only 8% and the revenue percentage of mobile data service shares only 4.2% which is far below the 20% in Korea and 11.2% in Japan of the whole mobile service. It is therefore the purpose of this study to examine the perception of mobile phone users for their recognition of the value of mobile data service. In order to deal with the difficulty in description and measurement of value in comparison to those outside attributes, the means-end chain method was employed to study the embedded perceptive paths from attribute, consequence, to value. It is found that contents, technological environment, optimization, and introduction are four distinguishable clusters of attributes. Diversification, efficiency and security, problem solving and location information, and handy are the four types of consequences identified. 31 significant paths out of 88 possible paths are eastablished by multiple regression analysis to describe the structure of value in mobile data service. A flourishing internet content environment with abundant functions of mobile data usage will help consumers to use more of the service and develop a positive feedback loop. Findings of the identified value paths could help system developers le


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