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PAGE Abstract Steering knuckle is one of the most important parts of the bridge, its purpose is to bear the load of the front car, bear and drive the front wheel to turn the Ershi steering kingpin around. In the purpose of driving, it stands the changing impact load and therefore high strength is required. In the graduation design ,I have mainly completed the overall process design of the left steering knuckle whose annual output is 100 000,the equipment design of the kingpin hole fine processing and the fixture design of the kingpin hole fine processing. The overall process design of the steering knuckle is mainly based on some referemce and comparatively analyse the requirements to machining technics of the part .To the equipment design of the main pin hole boring process the combination of machine tool design is the most important, including the establishment of three chart and a card (the procedure draft, the signal diagram of the process, the contact size diagram of the machine and the XiaoLvKa production card), mainly refer to the design method on the Machine Tool Design .In the kingpin hole boring fixture design, we use the relevant knowledge of fixture design in the mechanical manufacturing base to locate the fixture, analyse and determine the clamping program, and design position ,fixture components and other components according to the standard design in the machine tool fixture design and design the structure of some special institutions. In the graduation design ,the relavent knowledge of the combination machine and dedicated fixture design method are mainly used , therefor systematically review and master the general processes and methods of the mechanical products processing’s design. Key Words:kingpin hole; boring; Fixture 1绪论 1.1论文研究的背景及意义 转向节是汽车转向桥上的主要零件之一,一般载货汽车多以前桥为转向桥。转向节按装配位置分左、右两种。左置方向盘的汽车(如我国、美国等按右侧行驶的汽车)其左转向节的上、下耳部各有一分别用于安装转向节上臂与下臂的锥孔。而右转向节只在下耳有一个安装下臂的锥孔。左右转向臂与转向横拉杆连接,与前轴构成转向梯形。当汽车沿弯路转向行驶时,使两转型节绕主销偏转不同的角度,让所有车轮绕同一瞬时滚动中心滚动,以减少车轮



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