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摘 要
本论文主要阐述了一般掩护式液压支架的掩护梁的设计过程。设计内容包括:选型、掩护梁设计、 掩护梁的校核。
The British successfully developed hydraulic support firstly in 1854. Until today, hydraulic supports design, manufacture and use have almost mature, forming various of hydraulic support that can adapting to different conditions of coal mine geology .
Hydraulic support, as an important part of mining equipment, occupying an important position in the comprehensive mechanized mining machinery. It can support and control the ceiling reliably and efficiently , isolate the worked out section, prevent coal goaf into mining face and promote conveyor. Using with the coal winning machine, realizing comprehensive mechanized, solve the contradiction that the roof manage behind the coal mining of mechanization mining , improve and enhance the effectiveness of coal mining and transportation equipment , reduce the labor intensity of coal mine workers, maximum guarantee the life safety of coal mine workers.
Cover beam is an important part of hydraulic support. It can transfers part of the pressure the top beam bears to the base through the connecting rod or pedicles ,isolate the worked out section,stop coal gangue falling into working surface; the kinetic side protecting plate of the cover beam further improve the function; Still be able to withstand the falling pressure of coal goaf and passing it to top beam, connecting rod and base.
This paper mainly expounds the design process of the hydraulic shield support of the common type. Design content includes: model section, the design and check of cover beam .
Keywords: hydraulic support;
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