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英文数字、算式表达法 =  is equal to / equals  is larger than is less than is much greater than 英文数字、算式表达法 Important Formulas 2.8.3一辆卡车在平直路面上以恒定速率30m/s行驶,在此车上射出一抛体,要求在车前进60m时,抛体仍落回到车上原抛出点,问抛体射出时相对于卡车的初速度的大小和方向,空气阻力不计。P59 4.3.1 质量为m=0.5kg的木块可在水平光滑直杆上滑动。木块与一不可伸长的轻绳相连。绳跨过一固定的光滑小环。绳端作用着大小不变的力T=50N.木块在A点时具有向右的速率。求力T将木块自A拉至B点的速度。P152 * * Mechanics Exercise Class Ⅰ a = b + c   a is equal to b plus c a = b - c    a is equal to b minus c a = b x c   a is equal to b times c / a equals to b multiplied by c a = b/c    a is equal to b divided by c / a equals to b over c ?? (square) root x / the square root of x?? ?? cube root (of) x?;? fourth root (of) x ;?? nth root (of) x?? x2    x square / x to the second power / x to the power two x3    x cube / x to the third power / x to the power three x7 the seventh power of x(x to the seventh power) lognX  log x to the base n f( x )??? fx / f of x / the function f of x?? ??? the limit as x approaches zero?? ?? the integral from zero to infinity?? Newton’s Second Law Drag Force Centripetal Acceleration Work and Kinetic Energy Work Done by a Constant Force Work Done by a Spring Force Work Done by a Variable Force 52P A model rocket fired vertically from the ground ascends with a constant vertical acceleration of the 4.00m/s2for 6.00 s. Its fuel is then exhausted ,so it continues upward as a free-fall particle and then falls back down. (a) What is the maximum altitude reached? (b) What is the total time elapsed from the takeoff until the rocket strikes the ground? P30 Solution: (a) One key idea is since the fuel is exhausted and before the rocket strikes the ground, its acceleration is g of magnitude. And when the fuel is exhausted ,the velocity is 0 y (upward) then we can get the position of the rocket Second key idea is the velocity equals zero, when the rocket is at


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