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Dr. Prof. Guo Xuetang Director, Institute of International Strategy and Policy Analysis Deputy Dean, Law School Shanghai University of International Business and Economics xtguo99@ Trade Protectionism: End of the Era of Economic Globalization? International Research and Practical Conference, Krasnoyarsk 2018 The rise and fall of big powers and intensification of geopolitical competition The Indo-Pacific Region Geopolitics? The US Indo-Pacific Strategy; Shanghai Cooperation Organization, The Middle East and Ukraine Geo-economics? BR Initiative(China), BRICs, Asia-Africa Economic Growth Corridor(Japan-India), the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) I. The Inaction between Geopolitics and Geoeconomics NSS: ”A geopolitical competition between free and repressive visions of world order is taking place in the Indo-Pacific region.” 美国国家安全战略报告:“是自由还是压迫两种世界秩序观之间的地缘政治竞争即将在印太地区展开。” Trade protectionism as a foreign policy means on the basis of safeguarding national interests. The truth of US-China trade war China-Russia cooperation: Political, economical and military The EU, Japan, India, South Korea, etc. II. The End of Economic Globalization? A new round of tariffs on China, slapping a 10 percent tax on a $200 billion list of Chinese imports ranging from consumer goods to manufacturing materials. The US sanctions against on Russia The disorder of international system: economic order (WTO, IMF, WB), political order (UN) End of Economic Globalization? Economic globalization: very important for the economic growth of rising powers like China, Russia, India, Turkey, South Africa… … Interdependence on world market Integration of industrial value and logistics chains Globalization and Regionalization? The geopolitical view: China-Russia cooperation in the Eurasian Continent (SCO/NATO/US-Japan-South Korea……) The economic view: China-Russia-India supporting multilateralism and economic globalization, cooperation against trade protectionism How about the position of EU


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