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摘 要
地理国情监测就是要对地理方面的国情进行动态的测绘、统计和分析研究,并及时发 布地理国情监测报告。地理国情监测通过对地理要素的统计分析,分析各种地理信息的变 化量、变化频率及地域差异,揭示其发展规律,并对其未来的发展演化方向进行分析预测。
地理统计单元是地理要素统计分析的基础,地理统计单元的划分直接决定着统计分析 的精度,因此研究地理统计单元划分的意义是不言而喻的。本文在分析了美国国家格网和 英国国家格网及国内地理格网的应用的现状的基础上,结合 GB/T12409-2009 地理格网国 家标准引出本文的地理格网分类、划分及编码,并以辽宁省人口为例,通过统计单元划分 试验说明如何进行统计单元划分,并利用 ArcGIS Engine 实现了地理格网的生成。
最终在生成格地理网的基础上,利用地理格网对四川省内的点状居民点和线状河流及 面状土地利用进行了统计。
关键词:地理国情监测;地理格网;统计单元 ;ArcGIS Engine
- I -
Geographical State Monitoring is to monitor the conditions of geographic areas for dynamically mapping, statistics and analysis, and timely release of thegeographical situation monitoring report. Geographical State Monitoring analysisanalysis of changes in the amount of geographic information, change frequencyand geographical differences, revealing the law of development, and its future direction of development and evolution analysis and forecasting. by statistical analysis of geographic features.
Statistical unitis the basis of statistical analysis of geographic features, geographic delineation of statistical units directly determines the accuracy of statistical analysis, the significance of geographical statistical unit is self-evident.
In the analysis of the U.S. and the UK National Grid National Grid and the application of domestic geographic grid status, based on the geographical grid with GB/T12409-2009 national standard geographical grid leads to this classification, classification and coding. And population in Liaoning province, for example, through statistical unit test shows how the statistical unit divied. ArcGIS Engine development achieved with the geographic grid generation.
The final grid is generated on the basis of geographical network, Use of geographic grid of point-like settlements in Sichuan Province and the planar linear rivers and land use for the statistics.
Key Words:Geographical State Monitoring;geo-grid;statistical units ;ArcGIS Engine
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 主要研究内容 11
1.4 研究的方
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