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万方数据 万方数据 摘要 本文以公文写作常见的逻辑问题作为研究对象,涉及党政机关、企事业单位的公务文 书,法律条文、规章制度、讲话、说明书等多种公文文体,通过大量实际案例的分析,研 究探讨公文写作中常见的逻辑问题,并提出修改意见。 本文所述公文逻辑问题,分为公文写作常见思维形式问题以及公文写作常见思维规律 问题两大类。其中,违反思维形式的逻辑问题,指的是公文写作中,违反逻辑学意义上的 概念、判断、推理、论证这几类基本逻辑思维形式,而产生的逻辑问题。违反思维规律的 逻辑问题,指的是违反逻辑思维的三大基本规律同一律、矛盾律、排中律产生的逻辑问题。 在结尾部分,本文分析产生众多逻辑错误的原因,主要是由于写作者主观上的重视程 度低、写作随意;客观上的知识水平不够,对逻辑学原理不加了解导致的。对不同的原因, 本文提出加强逻辑训练、明确写作目标、端正写作态度等对策,以期减少公文写作中的逻 辑错误。 本文通过广泛列举公文写作中常见的逻辑问题,归纳问题的表现形式,以期降低公文 写作中,尤其是在基层单位的公文写作中,发生逻辑错误、影响思维表达的概率。 关键词:公文写作 逻辑问题 思维形式 思维规律 I Abstract The research subject of this thesis is common logic problems in writing documents, including official documents of Party and government offices as well as enterprises and public institutions, legal provisions, regulations, speeches and brochures, etc. By analyzing a large number of actual cases, the thesis explores common logical problems in writing documents and proposes amendments. In this thesis, logical problems in writing documents can be divided into problems of thinking forms and law of common thinking in writing documents. Herein, logic problems violating thinking forms refer to the logic problems violating basic logic thinking forms in the logic sense, such as concept, judgment, reasoning and argument. Logic problems violating the law of thinking refer to the one violating the three basic rules in logic thinking, that is, law of identity, law of contradiction and law of excluded middle. At the end, the thesis analyzes causes of various logic errors, subjectively mainly including the writers’ low attention and random writing, and objectively due to their insufficient knowledg e as well as understanding of the principles of logics. Then, aiming at different causes, the thesis proposes countermeasures like strengthening training, clarifying writing goals and correcting atti -tudes towards writing, so as to reduce logic errors in writing documents. Through extensively listing common logic problems in writing documents and concluding manifestation forms of proble


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