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中文摘要 大学生群体的适应问题越来越突出,由于无法接纳和融入新的生活环境、人 际环境、学习环境,或是由于对未来的过度焦虑,导致高校自杀、自伤事故频发。 工科专业的大学生,作为大学生群体的一个重要组成部分,为祖国建设和社会发 展源源不断地输送着各类人才,但工科学生由于普遍学业压力较大,多数时间都 在实验室和学习中度过,导致人际交往范围较窄,因此人们普遍认为工科大学生 在人际、情感、适应等方面的状况有待改善。为此,我们不得不努力寻求提高大 学生,尤其是工科大学生的社会适应状况的途径。而情绪智力是一个与社会适应 息息相关的概念,在很多维度上,二者都能够相互渗透,互为补充和支撑。 因此,本文在对情绪智力、社会适应以及二者相关关系进行理论梳理的基础 上,通过实证调查的方式,了解工科大学生情绪智力和社会适应现状,并求证二 者间的相关关系,以及情绪智力对社会适应的预测作用,从而为工科大学生社会 适应的改善提供新的途径。本研究证实,工科大学生情绪智力处于中上等水平, 在年级、性别、生源地、是否独生子女四个人口统计学变量上都存在显著差异; 在社会适应方面,唯独在性别变量上的差异不具有统计学意义;进一步通过相关 分析和回归分析认为,工科大学生情绪智力和社会适应在不同维度上都呈现正相 关关系,情绪智力总分和对他人情绪评价、对自己情绪调节、对自己情绪评价和 情绪运用四个维度先后进入回归方程,显示出对社会适应良好的预测作用,证实 了部分研究假设。 关键词:情绪智力;社会适应;工科大学生 ABSTRACT Nowadays, adapt problems of college students have become more and more obvious. Due to some students cant become a part of a new environment, or feel excessive anxious about future, theres too much suicide and self-injury accidents in colleges. Students of engineering major leave us an impression of introverted, many of them have problems in interpersonal relationship, emotion, or adaption. For this reason, we have to search for ways to improve the social adaptation status of college students. Emotional Intelligence is a concept that has close contact with social adaption, which can promote the improve processing of social adaption. Based on the analyzing of basic theories about Emotional Intelligence, Social Adaptation, and the relationship between the two concepts, through the way of investigation, we tried to understand the statement of engineering college students’ Emotional Intelligence and Social Adaptation, this article analyses the relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Social Adaption, and the prediction function of Emotional Intelligence to Social Adaption, in order to provide new methods to improve the social adaption statement of engineering majored students. This article confirmed that, engineering college students perform well in Emotional Intelligence, distinguish significantly in grade, sex, nationalities and


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