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Classified Index: TM76 U.D.C: 621.31 Dissertation for the Master Degree in Engineering THE INFULENCE OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION ON DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RELIABILITY Candidate: Du Xingzhou Supervisor: Prof. Li Zhimin Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Specialty: Electrical Engineering Affiliation: Jixi Electric Power Supply Company Date of Defence: March, 2010 Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 - - I - 要 随着社会发展对电力依赖性的增强,电力系统日趋庞大和复杂,电力系统 面临着许多潜在威胁,如不可抗拒的自然灾害或局部电网的个别问题处理不当 而诱发的恶性连锁反应。所以有必要研究配电网的供电可靠性问题,切实保障 电力系统安全稳定运行。 分布式电源,因其灵活、经济和清洁等特点,对提高电力系统的可靠性起 着至关重要的作用。本文在分析了分布式电源的最优配置和备用容量优化的基 础上,重点分析了分布式电源对配电网的可靠性的改善作用。针对鸡西电网实 际情况,研究探讨了分布式电源在配电网中的作用和对配电系统可靠性指标的 影响。通过网络简化等值,分析了分布式电源安装地点对配电系统可靠性的影 响;对照多台分布式电源在配电网中引起的可靠性指标的变化,探寻配电网中 分布式电源对可靠性指标的影响和经济性的优化方案。 针对鸡西局部配电系统进行了算例分析,分析和验证了所提出的算法和观 点的正确性。算例结果表明:分布式电源的存在可以明显提高配电网的可靠 性,增加分布式电源的数量有利于提高配电网的安全可靠性;增加分布式电源 的同时,要兼顾配电网的经济性。 关键词:配电网;分布式电源;可靠性指标;经济性 - - II - Abstract With the increasing dependence on electricity power of social development, large and complex power systems are common phenomenon, which face many potential threats, such as irresistible natural disasters or malignant chain actions of local power grid caused by improper operation. Therefore it is necessary to study the reliability of distributed system to ensure providing reliable and quality electricity to customers. Distributed generation (DG) plays a critical role in improving the reliability of power system because of its characteristics of flexibility, economic and clean. The main study of this paper is to investigate the function of distributed generation in distributed system. Based on the actual situation of Jixi distribution systems, this paper looks into the roles of distributed generation and influence of it on distribution system reliability indexes. By simplification and equivalence of distribution network, the installation distributed generation and its installation locations have gr


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