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5 5 from higher education, the goal of social ideal education emphasizes more on its pragmatism than on its direction. In addition, the education content is a little backward. The theory is not well connected with reality. Teaching approach is too simple and the teaching technique is out of date. The general quality of teaching force needs to be improved urgently. Lastly, from family education, harmful family education always reduces positive result of higher education or even makes it no use, which leads to their perplexed and slant attitudes toward social ideal. Thus, what we should do at present is to explore the countermeasures of enhancing and improving university students’ social ideal education. Firstly, to combine theory with practice, highly hold the great flag of Deng Xiao-ping Theory, and strengthen its work of entering class, mind and teaching materials. Secondly, give consideration to both consolidation and construction, occupy ideological field firmly, and strengthen “two courses” education field and Internet field. Thirdly, closely unite school and family, qualify education environment. Fourthly, concentrate on both reorganization and reinforce, improve the general quality of teaching force, establishing a force with firm political position and exquisite professional work. Fifthly, to carry on both heritage and creation, keep improving teaching approach so as to strengthen the real effect of social ideal education. Key words : university student , social ideal , present situation , problem , cause , countermeasure PAGE PAGE 10 前 言 理想,是一个具有永恒魅力、五彩缤纷的字眼。理想,是指人们在实践中形成的 具有实现可能性的对未来的向往和追求,是人们的世界观和人生观在奋斗目标上的集 中体现。“它是人类特有的精神现象,是人们心灵世界的深层核心。理想,就像是一道 分水岭,把人与动物区别开来,把高尚充实的人生与庸俗空虚的人生区别开来。”[1] 古往今来,多少先哲前辈曾探索过理想的真谛,留下了启迪人们智慧的至理名言;多 少仁人志士为了实现自己的理想赴汤蹈火,义无反顾,留得丹心照汗青。民无追求, 难以生存;国无追求,必定沉沦。社会主义事业是一项宏伟的跨世纪工程,需要全党 全国各族人民长期共同地努力才能完成。在进行这项事业中,只有形成坚定的理想信 念,才能统一全党全国人民的意志,克服各种困难,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。迈入 新的千年,“总结 20 世纪的历史经验,理想信念问题始终是一个影响百年来社会主义 胜利与挫折、发展与坎坷的重要因素。”[2]并且随着社会主义改革实践的深入发展,社



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