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摘要 摘 要 I I 摘 要 随着科技发展和社会进步,电能与人类生活、生产的关系越来越紧密,电 力突发事件对社会的影响日益增大。快速、有效处置突发事件,尽可能地避免 和减少突发事件造成的影响和损失,不仅是政府和人民群众对电网企业的要求, 也是地方电网企业保证自身健康发展的内在需求。近年来,地方电网公司高度 重视应急管理工作,全面加强应急体系建设,应急管理水平和应急处置能力不 断提高。随着应急管理工作的不断深入,建立科学、实用、规范的应急能力评 估标准,进而开展地方电网企业应急能力评估工作迫在眉睫。 本文在分析国外电网企业应急能力管理模式及国内应急能力评估现状的基 础上,提出我国地方电网企业应急能力评估体系框架。为了使应急能力评估工 作便于实际操作,制定了评估方法及评估程序,同时根据各项指标体现被评估 企业应急能力权重,对各项指标进行赋分,量化评估企业实际应急能力。以辽 宁丹东供电公司为例,根据评估指标框架中二级指标,从电网可靠性、调度及 二次系统两个方面实际评估该公司应急能力。 所提出地方电网企业应急能力评估体系框架从应急预防、应急准备、应急 响应和应急恢复 4 个方面评估电网企业应急能力,在此基础上,向下建立了 15 个二级指标及 52 个三级指标,最后细化为一套可操作性强的评估标准,为地方 电网企业应急能力评估提供了通用准则,为有效检验地方电网企业应急能力提 供了依据。 关 键 词 : 电网企业;应急能力;评估;指标体系 Ab Abstract II II ABSTRACT With the progress of social science and technology, the relationship of electrical energy and human life is becoming more and more close, and the impact of power emergencies on society comes to a new level. Not only the government and the people require a fast and effective solution to reduce and avoid the financial loss of power emergencies, but also the local power grid enterprises need this solution to maintain their healthy development. In recent years, due to attaching great importance on emergency management and strengthening the construction of emergency system, the ability of emergency management and emergency response of local power grid enterprises continuously improved.With the deepeni ng of the emergency management, establishing a scientific, practical and standardized assessment criteria and carrying out emergency capability assessment of local power grid enterprises become even more urgent. Based on the analysis of the present situation of emergency response capability evaluation abroadgrid enterprise management mode and domestic emergency capability, the emergency ability of local power grid enterprises of Chinas evaluation system framework. In order to make emergency capability ass essment work for the actual operation, making theevaluation methods and evaluation procedures, at the same time, according to the i



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