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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
With the rapid development of the network, the rising of new media promote the conduct of the triple play. But regardless of the degree of technical or market development, the triple play is not an easy thing; it is a huge project, like to build a palace from the bottom to the top. From this level, our country right now is moving from the first phase of the triple play- network linkage phase to the second phase of the interaction between station and network. Broadcasting system is gradually pressed harder and harder by the new media without disarray, but carry out a down-to-earth manner to the construction of network television with their own website, online community by innovating new modes of cooperation to prepare a better growth.
In this thesis, a detailed analysis of the local television network linkage mode is presented through Jiangsu TV network television station, Hunan Satellite TV and Hunan Mango TV; Jiangsu TV City Channel and Jiangsu network television, Shandong TV Qilu Channel and its cooperation with Qilu network. It is hoping to provide some reference with more scientific theory support and academic support to the local television network linkage mode to build up their own healthy and sustainable development.
Keywords: Network linkage Local television Network tv station Mode
目 录
摘 要I
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义 (1)
1.2 国内外研究概况 (3)
1.3 研究思路与方法 (8)
2 地方电视台推行“台网联动”的现实要求
2.1 地方电视台界定 (9)
2.2 地方电视台创建网络电视台的背景与方式 (9)
2.3 “台网联动”概述(10)
3 地方电视台“台网联动”的基础
3.1 地方电视台“台网联动”的理论观照 (12)
3.2 地方电视台“台网联动”实践观照 (13)
4 地方电视台“台网联动”的模式
4.1 地方电视台与视频网站的“台网联动”(14)
4.2 地方电视台与自办网络电视台的“台网联动” (16)
4.3 地方电视台与自办网站、网络互动社区的“台网联动” (19)
4.4 地方电视台与有线电视网的“台网联动”(19)
5 地方电视台“台网联动”的实践分析
5.1 省级卫视“台网联动”的实践——江苏网络电视台、湖南金鹰网及芒果
TV 为例 (20)
5.2 城市频道“台网联动”的实践——江苏电视台城市频道、山东电视
台齐鲁频道为例 (26)
5.3 地方电视台“台网联动”存在的劣势与问题(32)
5.4 国外“台网联动”成功模式参考 (32)
6 地方电视台“台网联动”模式运行效果及前景探索
6.1 地方电视台“台网联动”的经济效益分析(33
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