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中文摘要 中文摘要 住房问题一直是世界各国政府非常关注的问题,一个国家居民居住水平的高 低,充分反映了该国经济发展水平和社会文明的发展进程。但是,近年来中国大 中城市房价的持续上涨,使占我国绝大多数的中低收入家庭无力购买到属于自己 的住房。事实上,近年来,中央政府为了抑制房价,频繁出台政策,然而距离有 效控制房价过快上涨的政策目标似乎有渐行渐远的趋势。因此,有必要对现行政 策进行深刻反思。 本文,我们提出一个新的概念——政策弹性。从中国政策的特殊性——政策 弹性的研究入手,揭示中国政策的本质属性。正是政策本身的弹性造成了多个因 素能够发挥对房价的影响作用,这一问题不应被忽视。本文共分为五章。第 1 章 为绪论,主要介绍了以政策弹性为研究对象的研究背景,意义以及相关的研究动 态,并且提出本文的研究思路。第 2 章对政策弹性做了系统性的研究。从表现、 作用、来源以及政策弹性带来的一些问题进行深入分析,揭示政策弹性的本质。 第 3 章试图从一个全新的视角,通过对政策弹性和政策变通的对比分析,对政策 变通进行新的更加实际的界定,进一步提出政策中的自由裁量权问题。第 4 章从 政策弹性的角度,对房地产市场调控不利进行分析。第 5 章对本文内容做了简要 的总结,并对本文的创新和不足进行了简单概括。 关键字:政策弹性;政策变通;房地产;保障房政策 Abstract Abstract The governments of all over the world are focusing on housing problem. Residents living level can reflect fully a country’s level of socio-economic development and degree of social civilization development. But overwhelming majority in low-income families can not afford to buy their own houses, because housing price in large-middle cities continues to rise in recent years. In fact, in recent years, the central government implemented a series of policy frequently in order to restrain house price. But the goal of effectively restrain the rising housing prices seems hard to achieve. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink current policies, In this paper, we put forward the new concept of policy flexibility. From the study of the policy flexibility which reflects the particularity of China’s policy, this paper reveals the essential nature of Chinas policy. The flexibility of the policy itself led to a number of factors influencing the price of the house, this issue should not be ignored. This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction. It mainly introduces the research background, significance and related research dynamic which makes the policy flexibility for research object, and put forward the research Thinking. Chapter 2 is trying to do systemic research in the policy flexibility. It deeply analyses policy flexibility’s presentation, function and problems, in or



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