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摘 要 摘 要 企业要想获得持续有力的发展,不仅要重视生产管理、财务管理、顾客管理 等,更为重要的是做好对员工的管理,以使每位员工全力工作,因此,推行绩效 管理,促使员工工作效益最大化是所有企业管理的重中之重。作为电力行业重要 组成部分的供用电稽查企业也不例外,从一定程度上讲,供用电稽查工作的质量 直接影响和决定着电力市场的正常运行和电力安全。因此,研究建立科学的供用 电稽查企业绩效管理体系对于转变稽查人员观念、提升稽查人员素质,进而提升 稽查工作质量和稽查服务水平有着十分重要的意义。 本论文着眼于供用电稽查企业绩效管理体系研究,首先应用文献分析法对绩 效管理和电力企业绩效管理的相关理论进行了整理分析,包括绩效管理基本概 念、绩效管理常用工具等理论。其次,在对供用电稽查企业绩效管理现状进行分 析的基础上,指出了供用电稽查企业绩效管理存在的问题;接着对如何改进供用 电稽查企业的绩效管理体系提出了几项构想:第一,建立供用电稽查企业的绩效 管理组织体系;第二,利用平衡计分卡分维度评价理论对供用电稽查企业的关键 绩效指标进行设计并在此基础上利用系统动力学软件对关键指标进行因果互动 关系研究,建立起适合供用电稽查企业的指标体系。第三,从绩效计划制定、绩 效实施、绩效考核和绩效改进四方面对供用电稽查企业的绩效管理流程体系进行 改进。最后对供用电稽查企业绩效管理体系的改进研究进行了总结和反思,指出 未来绩效管理的工作要点及前景展望。 关键词:供用电稽查;绩效管理;系统动力学;平衡计分卡; I Abstract Abstruct Abstract An enterprise to get sustainable development strong, should not only attach importance to the production management, financial management, customer management, etc., more important is to do well in the management of the employees in order to make every employee to work hard.Therefore, implementation of performance management, employees work is the key of the all the enterprise management to maximize profits.Power supply audit enterprise i s as an important component of the electric power industry is no exception. From a certain degree, the audit of the quality of the work involved is directly affects and decides the normal operation of the electricity market and the security of electric pow er.Therefore, the study for the establishment of a scientific audit of electricity to transform enterprise performance management system audit staff concepts to improve the quality inspectors, thereby enhancing the quality of audit work and audit service h as great significance. This paper focuses on power supply audit enterprise performance management system research, first of all, literature analysis method was applied to relevant theory of the performance management and the electric power enterprise perfo rmance management, including the basic concept of performance management and performance management of the co



peili2018 + 关注


