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职工持股制度是针对公司内部的一种激励、约束机制,是由劳资矛盾推动的资本 社会化进一步发展的产物。各国的改革和实践都表明职工持股对改善劳资关系,激励 公司职工关心公司长期经营效益及主动行使公司内部监督权具有显而易见的积极作 用。
我国的职工持股制度虽然实践探索已历经 20 多年,但客观上并未能成功产生绩 效,甚至出现因“股东导向型”公司治理的推行与职工持股之间矛盾的激化而引发公司 僵局或者经营停顿的情况。其原因在于,我国职工持股制度是自发的,且具有自下而 上的特点,在设计和推行职工持股制度时,没有充分考虑公司治理结构的客观要求和 发展趋势,没有研究职工持股在公司治理原则下的运行条件,使得在实现公司利益最 大化目标一致基础上所产生的公司治理结构和企业职工持股制度之间存在隔阂和矛 盾。
本文在分析了传统职工持股理论及公司治理理论对职工持股制度的影响的基础 上,提出在公司治理视角下我国职工持股具体制度的完善设想,以期为职工持股制度 的发展寻找新的思路。
关键词:职工持股 公司治理视角 职工持股制度完善。
作 者:于洪文 指导教师:冯 兵
On The Improvement Of Employees’Stocks-Holding System In China In The Eyes Of The Company Governance Abstract
On The Improvement Of Employees’Stocks-Holding System In China In The Eyes Of The Company Governance
Employee’s Stocks-Holding system is an internal mechanism of encouragement and restraint in the company .It is the product of the further development of capital socialization under the push of the contradiction between employers and employees. The worldwide practice and reform of the employees’ Stocks_Holding syetem demonstrates that the system has obvious function to improve the relationship between employers and employees, to encourage the employees to care about the long-term management of the company, and to discharge their duties of supervision to the company.
The employee’s Stock-Holding system in China hasn’t produced practical effect succeefully, though it has been put into practice and exploration for over 20 years. It even initiates company deadlock or stop because of the sharpening of the contradiction between the “stockholder-oriented” company governance and the employees’Stock-Holding system.The reasons lie in that the employees’Stock-Holding system in China come into being spontaneously, and had the characteristics of being from bottom to top. This system hadn’t fully considered the practical demand and the development trend of the structure of company governance , when it was designed and put into practice. Meanwhile , it hadn
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