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万方数据 万方数据 摘要 本文依据教育学、心理学的相关理论,并结合自己的教育教学实践,在不断的探索与 创新中完善自己的教学方法,探索导学案在初中数学教学中的作用。通过对导学案的研究 试图找到适合新课程的教学方法。 本文研究主要以实验法为主,以文献法、调查法、观察法为辅。对初中数学导学案进 行了较全面系统的研究。 论文共分为四大部分,第一部分,论文研究的背景以及研究的意义和当前研究的现状。 第二部分,对导学案的涵义、主要特征、理论依据、编写原则、设计格式、实施的主要环 节等进行研究。第三部分,对导学案实施过程中的目标、教师、学生、评价等方面的障碍 及成因和解决策略进行研究。第四部分,对导学案实施过程中的显性目标与隐形目标、教 师的讲评与教师的引导、分层评价等方面进行研究。 经过为期一年的实验和研究本人取得了丰富的第一手资料,得出了切实可行的实施方 法,对本人以后教学有很大的促进作用,我相信在以后的教学中值得我继续研究和完善。 关键词:初中数学;导学案;分层教学 Abstract This paper is based on the relevant theories of pedagogy and psychology, combined with my own teaching practice to improve and perfect the teaching methods by constant exploration and innovation, to explore the use of the guidance case in teaching of junior-high math. Try to find the teaching method suitable for new curriculum through the study of the guidance case. The study is centered on experimental methodology, assisted with Literature method, investigation method and observation method. It did a comprehensive and systematic research on the guidance case in Junior-high math. This paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, I mentioned the background, the importance of the research and the present situation of the research. In the second part, I researched the definition, main characteristics, theoretical basis, editing principles, design format, main process, etc of the guidance case. In the third part, I had a discussion about the causes and solutions in the process of the objectives, teachers, students, evaluation and other aspects. The fourth part mainly analyzed dominant target and stealth target in the process, teacher’s evaluation and guidance, and hierarchical evaluation. After a year of experiment and research I gained abundant firsthand data and feasible approach, which are very helpful in my future teaching. I believe it is worth continuing to study and perfect in the future teaching. Key words: Junior-high math, guidance case, hierarchical teaching 目 录 1、课题提出的背景及研究的意义·················



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