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中文摘要 中文摘要 G吨 G吨 倚 A吨 工程项目的成本管理、质暨管理和进度管理贯穿于整个工程项目。工程项目 管理的对象是施工项目,其中心为项目经理责任制,以合同为依据,按施工项目 的内在规律,对资源进行优化配置和对各生产要素进行有效的组织、计划、控制、 指导,以取得最大经济效益的过程。 工程项目的成本管理、质量管理和进皮管理是紧密关联的三个方面。在工程 建设过程中,质量始终是放在第一位的。在保证工程质量的前提下,如何寻找三 明气 者的平衡点是项目管理的关键。在国际市场激烈竞争的大环境下,我罔施工企业 吗h 只有提高项目管理水平、确保质量、降低成本,才能为企业生存和发展打下良好 句 的基础。 本文根据国内外项目管理的理论经验和实践案例,提出基于成本与质量、进 度与戚本和进度与质量的综合管理方法,目的就是为正确处理工程项目戚本管 理、质最管理和进皮管理的关系,为保证工程质量和进度,尽量降低成本,提高 企业的竞争力寻求一种合理的解决问题的途径。最后将此方法运用于具体的建设 项目之中,并取得了良好的效果。 关键词:项目管理 t 戚本管理:质最管理:进度管理 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Project cost management ,qua1ity management and schedule management are 也e comprehensive work in the project.The 阳get ofa p叫ect is Project Management.its central r臼ponsibi1ity is the proj侃t manager,也eωn田ct is the basi8,according 怕也e 、∞nstruction projects,optimization of resources a110cation and 、 inh町ent laws of production of various elements of an effective organization, planning ,contro guidance in ord町仙 obtain the maximum economic benefits . ∞8t managem倒, qua1ity management and schedule management are Project 电 closely linked with each other . In也e construction ,也e quality is always the ωp priority. In ensuring 由.e qua1ity of 伽.e project under 伽 premise of how ωfind 伽e balance of the 也ree 扭曲e keyωproject man咄咄咄t. In the high1y competitive international market environment ,Chinas construction enterprises can have a good pro叩ect on1y by improving 由e project. management level,胁。nsure quality and reduce costs . Based on 伽由.eory of domestic and international project management exp创ence and practice cωes,submi忧创 the integrat创 management approach which b盼ed onωst managemen也 quality management and schedule management ,也e pu叩ose is toωrrectly h拙ldle the projectω创 management ,quality management and progress management relations,但nd a reasonable solutionωensure project quality and progress,as far as possible to reduce costs and improve the competitiveness of ente:叩rises. Finally this method is being applied to specific construction projects and A飞 崎 λ吨has achieve



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