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One of the major effects of air pollution is acid rain caused by SO2 and NO from coal-fired. Thus, the control of SO2 and NO is important for the global environment. The removal of SO2 and NO by activated carbon has been studied extensively, due to the high adsorption efficiency of activated carbon. However, the costs and secondary pollution from raw material and modification of activated carbon are worth considering. Waste tea with a high carbon content and theophylline is a good precusor of activated carbon, which was used to remove acid gas. In this study, activated carbon was prepared from Tieguanyin waste tea, and its structure properties were regulated by preparation process. The effects and mechanism of waste tea activated carbon on its desulfurization and denitrification performance were investigated.
The activated carbon was prepared from waste tea by activation of steam and K2CO3, ZnCl2. And its structure properties and adsorption performance of activated carbon were investigated. The results showed that the activated carbon prepared from waste tea was mainly microporous. The adsorption of methylene blue and iodine of activated carbon obtained by K2CO3 and ZnCl2 activation were higher than the one obtained by steam activation. Activation temperature has a significant impact on mesoporous of the activated carbon. Mesopores were donated on the activated carbon
by ZnCl2 activation at 350 ℃, when the activation temperature increased from 500 ℃
to 700 ℃, mesopore volume was decreased from 0.55 cm3/g to 0.06 cm3/g. Mesopores were developed on activated carbon obtained by K2CO3 activation when
the activation temperature was 800 ℃. Micropore size of carbon activated by ZnCl2
activation expanded from 0.83 nm to 0.87 nm when activation time increased from
0.5 h to 1.5 h, and shrunk at 2 h. Mesoporous of waste tea carbon activated by K2CO3 began to appear when activation time up to 2.5 h. The biggest micropore volume of waste tea
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