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李离离审山大学硕士研究生学位论文 李离离审山大学硕士研究生学位论文 登革茹毒 2 型成熟颗粒的三维重构 专业:生物辑理学 硕士生 E 李茵茵 导挥z 张景强教授 撞要 登革病毒(Dengue Virus ,商称DEN)是目前严重威励人类健康的虫媒病毒 之一,至今尚无安全有效的疫苗可供使用。本文尝试从研究该病毒的结构着 手,探索控制和防治 DEN 的革开途径 e 冷冻电镜技术 (electron c.巧ornicroscopy technology ,简称Cryo-EM) 是病毒结构与功能研究的重要手段,目前应用该技 术己对多种病毒进行了研究,取得了令人瞩目的结果。本文阐述了二十面体病 毒的冷冻电镜技术及其三维重构的原理和方法,并采用该技术对 DEN2 进行三 维重构,。 DEN 表面较光滑,针对该特点本文采用滤波器进行重构预处理,提高图像 的信噪比,对模板的选取有一定帮助,且能用于区分电镜图像中的未成熟颗粒 辛苦成熟颖拉。本实验从 1173 个颗粒中挑选出 121 个成熟颗粒,经重构获得 2.8nrn 的 DEN2 成熟颗粒的三维结构,并用德立叶环相关法 (Fourier shell ∞rrela眨锢,简称 FSC) 证明了该分辨率的可靠性,结果表明 DEN2 成熟颗粒表 面较光清,重构结果直径为 5但钮,推断该结构为成熟颗粒的一种新构象。 关键i毒z 登革病毒、冷冻电镜技术,三维重构 李萄茵中山大学磁士研究生学位论文 李萄茵中山大学磁士研究生学位论文 2 2 The Three Dimensional Re∞nstruction of Mature Dengue Virus 2 Major: Biophysics Name: LiYìn Yin Supervisor: Professor Zhang Jing Qiang ABSTRACT Dengue Vrrus (DEN) is one of the anthophilous viruses which threaten the healthy of human seriously. In order to search new methods to ∞n位。llhe spreading of DEN and to prevent andαue the DEN diseas岳S, the three dimensional s位ucture of DEN is studied in this thesis. It is studied by electronαyomiαüscopylecbnology (Cryo-E岭, which is an impo营1anl method of studying the three dime甜onal structure and function of virus. The princìple and met益。d of Cryo-EM and three-dimensional 括∞ns凶ction of b览abedral virus are described in detail in this thesis. Bilater革1filter is used before r仅:onstruction in order 10 enhance the signal noise ratio of the Cry(←EMimage. Distinguishing between Ihe mature DEN2 垂直d the imrnature DEN2 and f主lding templates during the three-dimensional re∞ns住uction are searched by this mel益。d. 2.8 nm Ihr臼-dimensional resolutions,which 缸e proved by Fourier shell correlation σSC)method ,has been detεrmined by using only 121岛α1pairs 国ages selected from 1173 focal pairs ímages. The result s加ws that the surface of DEN2 is sm∞th an岳 its diameter is 50 nm. A new s往ucture during Ihe mature DEN2 is pres毡medby the result. Key Words: dengue virus,electron cryomiαüSC叩头也re



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