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Abs Abstract II II Abstract German expressionist painting is an expression of spiritual tradition of European classical drawings that lasts as long as several centuries and a most powerful and perfect form of spirit art. German expressionist painting peels off ruthlessly life’s surface meaning and maximally reaches the crude nature of the reality. As for its ways of expression, German expressionist painting usually make most of the unique obscure painting elements to reveal their inner conflicts and seek to express the relation among man and nature with the most expressive means. Moreover, the painting elements at the same time embody solemn and logical German way of thinking, trying to express their pure inner spirit by way of describing the objective world and reveal the true nature of art. The exploration to the function of color, lines and two-dimensioned space awakens people’s sense of the beauty of life itself. The usual direct feeling of the outer form of nature becomes the exploration to the pure artistic form and visual space transcendentalist visual structure. In the artistic development in the twentieth century, German expressionist painting is representative of a new trend that is different from formalist genre. Key Word: expressionist painting, nature and visual expression, freedom of soul, irrationalism and mysticism, visual language 目录 目 录 III III 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 引 言 1 第 1 章 图式来自自然的启示 3 1.1 自然界的图式 3 1.2 源于自然的绘画图式的演进 5 第 2 章 德国表现主义的绘画图式 8 2.1 图式在人与自然的关系中阐述 9 2.2 关注灵魂的自由与上帝的启示 15 2.3 图式具有非理性、神秘主义的色彩 21 第 3 章 德国表现主义绘画图式理想与精神 28 3.1 追问艺术的本质——精神表现 28 3.2 绘画图式语言形式的自明性显现 30 3.2.1 简洁的线条 31 3.2.2 富有张力的色彩 32 3.2.3 空间的二维平面形态导入造型的形式 33 结 语 36 参考文献 38 致 谢 39 引言 引 言 ①【美】弗雷德里克?R?卡尔,陈永国等译,现代与现代主义——艺术家的主权 1885——1925【M】北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003 ① 【美】弗雷德里克?R?卡尔,陈永国等译,现代与现代主义——艺术家的主权 1885——1925【M】北京:中国人民 大学出版社,2003 年 12 月第 1 版第 1 页 1 引 言 表现主义毕竟是西方精神文化中的一种极其重要的现象,它的形成与发展有着特定 的历史和文化背景。从 19 世纪和 20 世纪之交迄今,西方传统文化先后受到步入垄断阶 段后资本主义社会所出现的重大变化的冲击,随后遭到两次世界大战的摧残,继而又蒙 受 20 世纪 60


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