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I I 摘要 摘 要 随着计算机网络的不断发展,网络规模越来越大,开发的实际项目越来越大, 如何能够给客户提供一个轻量级的业务解决方案成为软件行业的首要问题。原有 的 J2EE 系统由于采用 EJB 作为业务开发组件,使得系统变得极其庞大,同时也难 以维护。而随着开源社区的不断壮大,Struts,Spring,Hibernate 这样优秀的开放 源代码框架已经被大多数开发者所认可,并很好的应用到实际的项目开发中去。 如何将这三个框架整合到一起成为一个轻量级的解决方案已成为一个热点话题。 通过 IOC 容器的反转设计理念可以很好的将三个框架松耦合的整合成一个标 准的轻量级架构 SSH,为客户的应用提供一个易开发以维护的框架结构。采用分 层的思想,保证一层的修改不会影响到其他的层,通过面向接口的编程思想,可 以最大限度的避免修改所带来的麻烦。 本论文首先概述了 J2EE 轻量级框架的研究背景及意义,介绍了 J2EE 轻量级 框架开发采用的相关技术,主要包括 Struts,Spring,Hibernate 三个开源框架;接 着根据实际的业务需求,提出了 J2EE 轻量级框架的体系结构,详细描述了 J2EE 轻量级框架的模块设计,并且实现了三个开源框架的整合,同时结合工作流技术 实现公文办公系统的流转业务;然后说根据实际的办公系统,将研究成果应用到 实际的项目中。论文最后对 J2EE 轻量级框架的整合做了个总结,并指出了以后的 工作重点。 关键词:办公自动化,SSH,J2EE,工作流 II II ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the continuous development of computer networks, the network scale is growing, the growing development of practical projects, how can we provide our customers with a lightweight business solution software industry to become the most important issue. As a result of the original EJB as a J2EE system, business development component, makes the system become extremely large, but also difficult to maintain. With the continuous growth of the open source community, Struts, Spring, Hibernate so many excellent open-source framework has been recognized by the majority of developers, and a good application to the actual project development and going. How to integrate these three frameworks together into a lightweight solution that has become a hot topic. Reversal through the IOC container design concept can be a good framework for loosely coupled integration of the three criteria into a lightweight framework for SSH, for customers to provide an easy development of applications in order to safeguard framework. Use of hierarchical thinking to ensure that the changes will not affect the layer to other layers, interface-oriented programming ideas can be brought about by changes to avoid possible trouble. This thesis first outlines the lightweight J2EE framework for the research ackground and significance, introduced


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