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第 33 卷 第 1 期 采矿与安全工程学报 Vol.33 No.1 2016 年 01 月 Journal of Mining Safety Engineering Jan. 2016 文章编号:1673-3363-(2016)01-0165-071 平行钻孔-套筒致裂法测试地应力 试验研究及工程应用 荣传新,彭世龙,程桦,黎明镜,程帅,袁小永 (安徽理工大学土木建筑学院,安徽 淮南 232001 ) 摘要 针对套筒致裂法测试深井地应力存在的技术瓶颈,改进了套筒致裂法测地应力的套筒膨胀 管装置;综合单孔套筒致裂法和控制致裂法的特点,提出了可操作性更强的平行钻孔-套筒致裂法 地应力测试技术,通过试验对原有的单孔套筒致裂法和控制致裂法地应力计算公式进行了合理修 正。由试验结果可得,单孔套筒致裂的修正系数为0.78 ,控制致裂的修正系数为0.83。现场地应 力测试结果表明:朱集东煤矿-965 m 轨道大巷最大主应力为23.16 MPa ,东西水平方向;中间主 应力为21.04 MPa ,铅垂方向;最小主应力为13.01 MPa,南北水平方向。 关键词 套筒致裂法;地应力;平行钻孔;模型试验;现场测试 中图分类号 TD 311 文献标志码 A DOI 10.13545/j.cnki.jmse.2016.01.026 Engineering application and experimental study of parallel boreholes sleeve fracturing method for stress measurement RONG Chuanxin ,PENG Shilong ,CHENG Hua,LI Mingjing ,CHENG Shuai,YUAN Xiaoyong (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Anhui University of Science and Technology ,Huainan ,Anhui 232001 ,China) Abstract In view of limitations of the sleeve fracturing method for deep in-situ stress testing, a sleeve expansion pipe was improved for ground stress measurement. Synthesizing the characteristics of sin- gle-hole sleeve fracturing method and control fracturing method, a more operable ground stress meas- urement technology of parallel boreholes sleeve fracturing method was provided in this paper. Addition- ally, the formulas for the single-hole sleeve fracturing and the control fracturing were modified reasona- bly through the testing. The results show that the correction coefficients obtained for single-hole sleeve fracturing method was 0.78, while that for control fracturing method was 0.83. In-situ test was carried out for main track roadway buri


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