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摘 摘 要 I I PAGE PAGE IV 摘 要 LED(Light Emitting Diode)因为其节能、环保、高效、寿命上等优点被称为 是第四代光源,在照明领域取得了飞速的发展。作为决定 LED 产品性能关键的 LED 驱动芯片也随之蓬勃发展。 本论文设计了一款分段线性恒流 LED 驱动器。设计过程中,通过对传统的线 性恒流 LED 驱动器的改进,避免使用成本较高、占用空间大、可靠性低的电解电 容实现了一种高效率、高功率因数、外围电路简单的 LED 驱动器。本论文做了以 下几方面的工作: 1、分析了 LED 的基本原理和基本驱动方式。分析了分段线性恒流 LED 驱动 芯片的基本原理,并做了原创性理论推导工作,同时提出了数字逻辑控制方式并 给出了设计方法。 2、设定分段线性恒流 LED 驱动芯片的各个子模块的功能,并利用 Cadence Spectre 进行电路仿真,使芯片的每个模块都能够依照预期正常工作。本论文中涉 及的模块包括基准模块、电源模块、PWM 调光模块、模拟调光模块、过温保护模 块、过压保护模块、LDMOS 驱动模块、偏置电压模块等。本文给出了所有模块的 具体实现电路,部分模块给出了市场主流的实现方案以及其他的实现方案,最后 对所有的模块进行了仿真验证。 3、完成了整体电路的仿真。在完成了分段线性恒流 LED 驱动芯片的各个子 模块的设计后,对芯片整体电路进行全局仿真。同时验证了芯片的各个保护功能 和调光功能,其中包括:过温保护、过压保护、模拟调光、PWM 调光。仿真结果 显示芯片兼容 AC220 V、AC110 V,LED 的最大线性电流为 36 mA,温度保护的 极限电流调节能力为 19 mA。市电电压幅值波动范围在 20%以内时,过压保护功 能模块使得 LED 最大线性电流下降到 25.91 mA。 关键词:分段线性,恒流,LED 驱动 ,温度补偿 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT LED(Light Emitting Diode) is known to be the fourth generation light sourse due to its energy-saving environmental protection high efficiecy and long life. LED driver has made rapid and great development because it’s one of the most important parts of the LED products. A piecewise constant current LED driver is designed in this paper.The piecewise constant current LED driver is completed with high effciency,high power factor and simple extranal circuit by improving the traditional linear constant current LED driver and avoiding electrolytic capacitors for its high cost,large footprint and low reliability.Following aspects are included in my paper: The basic principle of LEDs’ and LED drivers’.The architecture of the piecewise linear constant current is proposed and the theoreticak derivation is done. The modules of the piecewise linear constant current LED driver chip’s is designed and simulated by using the Cadence Spectre in order to make each module wrok in accordance with expectations.Modules in the paper include bandgape reference module,power module,PWM dimming module,analog dimming module,over temperature module,over voltage module,LDMOS driver m



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