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The state estimation of the pow町 system is an important component of the ener盯management system (EMS),especially playing an even more ?mportant role in the electric market environment. The 也eory of state estimation in power system had been established in the early of the 1970s,and was improving constantly in the last
h ten years. But the state estimation of the pow 时 system still has a lot of fields that
worth furt加 studying.
, On the base of analyzing 出e classical methods of power system state estimation,
也e weighted least squ町es method is improved,and a new algorithm which is suitable
for distributed st创e estimation and is able to meet the needs of engineering calculations is proposed. Then,the model of distributed state estimation is established , and a distributed state monitoring system is designed,and the coordination parallel
algori伽m principle and flow of distributed s阳te estimation is discuss町1. This algorithm is simulated by ffiEE 14 system. At last,伽e application of distributed state
estímation to the Western Power Grid of Inner Mongolia is introduced.
Key Words: Distributed state estimation; Weighted least squares estimation me出od: Monitoring system desi伊
第一章绪论…………………………………….,…… 1
1.1 电力系统状态估计的意义……川…………..叫…………………… 1
1.2 状态估计的基本概念和基本功能……..….…………… 4
1.2.1 状态估计的基本概念………..……………·…………… 4
1.2.2 状态估计的基本功能……………………… 6
1.3 电力系统状态估计的发展历程…………………………… 7
1.4 本文所做工作……..…………………………… 9
第二章 电力系统状态估计经典算法……………… 11
A 2.1 电力系统状态估计数学描述 (26J ……….,……… ...11
2.1.1 量测系统的数学描述和盘测方程………·………………… ..11
2.1.2 电力网络的数学描地…………… 13
2.1.3 电力系统状态估计基本步骤………川….,…,..……… ..13
2.2 加权最小二乘估计法 [27]HH·H·HHU--H··…………………..14
2.3 加权最小二乘估计陆的改进,..,…………………..……………·…川 ...16
2.3.1快速解糊状态估计 (28] …………………………16
2.3.2 正交变换法[29-31]………….,…… ..21
2.4支路潮流状态估计 [32,33]…………………………………… 22
2.5电力系统递推状态估计 [34] ……………………………26
2.6 本章小结…………………..………………..… 29
第二章 电力系统分布式状态估计…川……………………..… 31
3.1分布式状态估计的必要性…………..………..…..…..…… ..
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