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西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 低碳建筑技术推广应用研究 专 业:技术经济及管理 硕 士 生:张晓晗 指导教师:闫文周 教授 摘 要 目前建筑物的二氧化碳排放量在二氧化碳排放总量中占了几乎 50%,远远 高于交通和工业领域,因此推广低碳建筑、降低二氧化碳排放量已经十分必要 和迫切。然而我国低碳建筑还处于推广的初期阶段,尚没有切实可行的低碳建 筑评价标准以及完善的政策支持体系。本文正是在这样的背景下,通过分析我 国低碳建筑技术推广的现状及影响因素,提出我国低碳建筑的推广机制及政策 建议。 本文在研究了大量国内外相关文献之后,结合我国国情,运用定性和定量 的方法对我国低碳建筑的发展进行系统的分析。提出了低碳建筑技术的分类方 法,通过研究国外低碳建筑推广的成功经验,探讨目前制约我国低碳建筑推广 的关键因素;应用综合评价方法选择适宜我国推广的低碳建筑技术;运用博弈 论的方法对低碳建筑的推广机制进行总体设计,提出详细的激励机制、约束机 制、管理机制和政策建议。 本文相关成果对低碳建筑在我国的推广有较重要的理论意义和参考价值, 在一定程度上有利于贯彻落实我国发展低碳经济,构建节约型社会的发展战略。 关键字:低碳;低碳建筑;推广机制 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 Research on promotion and application of Low Carbon Buildings Technology Major: Technology Economics and Management Name: Zhang Xiaohan Instructor: Prof. Yan Wenzhou ABSTRACT It has been very necessary and urgent to promote low-carbon buildings and reduce carbon dioxide emissions for that the carbon dioxide emissions of current construction accounts for almost 50% in total carbon dioxide emissions, far higher than the transport and industrial fields. However, the promotion of low carbon buildings is still in the early stage, there are still no practical evaluation standards of low carbon buildings and perfect policy supporting system. In this context, this article presents the promotion mechanism and policy recommendations of low carbon buildings through analyzing the current situation and affecting factors of the low carbon building technology promotion. This paper analysis systematic our country’s low carbon building development using qualitative and quantitative methods combined with our country’s current situation after studying a large number of domestic and foreign literatures. Firstly, this paper promote classification methods for low-carbon buildings by analyzing the foreign successful experience and discussing current constraint factors about the low carbon buildings promoting; Secondly, it chooses the low carbon building technology which is suitable for promotion in our cou



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