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第四部分从我国出口结构、政策因素、资金技术和国际环境四个方面对我国 的出口产品结构进行 SWOT 分析。中国制定了自己的节能减排目标并提出了相 应的政策,但这些政策具有宏观性并没有针对具体行业提出细则。我国政府和企 业不断加大对低碳行业的资金和技术投入,但是这些资金和技术投入远远不足维 持整个低碳行业的发展。中国作为世界上最大的出口国承担了国际“碳转移”的 压力并且面临碳关税等贸易壁垒。由于我国在资源和劳动力方面具有比较优势, 劳动和资源密集型制造业成为中国主要的出口部门,但是在传统的制造业却生产 了大量高污染、高能耗和低附加值的产品。 第五部分对我国的出口产品结构进行实证分析。在整理我国主要出口数据和 能源消耗数据的基础上,分别对单一行业的单位产值能耗和我国出口额进行相关 性分析,同时分析三类行业单位产值能耗对我国出口额的影响。回归结果显示: 我国三类行业的单位产值能耗都与我国出口额成反比关系,但是高碳排放行业的 单位产值能耗对出口额的影响较大,低碳排放行业的单位产值能耗对出口额影响 微乎其微。为了下一步对我国的出口结构调整提供依据,本文对我国三类产品的 单位产值能耗进行预测,认为随着技术进步和生产成熟,三类行业的单位产值能 耗都会下降,但是幅度不一。 第六部分从加大技术投入、引进优秀人才、升级国内产业结构、转变贸易模 式和加强国际合作五个方面提出政策建议。 第七部分是结论,本部分总结了本文的主要内容和观点。 关键词:出口产品结构;高碳排放产品;中碳排放产品;低碳排放产品;单位产 值能耗 A Research on the Adjustment of Chinas Export Commodities Structure under the Background of Low-carbon Economy Abstract With the growing of global warming and the intensity of resource and energy problems, pursuit of low-carbon development and transformation of the economic growth mode is the choice of the future development. Nowadays, the development of economy and society is conditioned by resource and environment, and low-carbon economy is worldly recognized as a good way to rely to climate change and insure resource security. China is the majors of energy consumption, and carbon-intensive goods account for a large proportion in the total exports of products. In this way, the carbon tariff imposed on the imported goods by the EU, the US and other developed countries will have a negative impact for our export goods. Therefore, in the context of the low-carbon economy, Chinas export products structure adjustment has important significance for the sustainable development of trade . The combination of qualitative and quantitative research and theoretical research and empirical research method is used in this paper. On the basis of theories on low-carbon economy, this paper conduct the theoretical analysis of Chinas export products structure. The main export data and energy consumption per unit of output is accessed and summ



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