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摘 要
我国是一个农业大国,绝大多数人口在农村,农民、农业、农村问题成为影响和制约中国 经济社会发展的重要问题。近年来,“三农”问题一直困扰着我们,尽管党和国家对此做出了巨 大努力,针对“三农”各级财政支出也逐年大幅度增加,但“三农”问题仍然没有得到根本改 变。当前在我国农村,农民赖以生存和发展的基础仍然是土地,土地制度的合理设计和健康运 行是解决“三农问题”的根本所在,而土地问题中的核心和关键就是农村土地承包经营权的流 转问题。土地承包经营权流转对于优化土地资源配置、提高农业生产率、实现农业产业化经营、 促进农民增收具有重要作用。
本文根据近几年权威部门的统计数据和作者本人对农村土地承包经营权流转做的社会调 查,通过对这些资料的分析后认为近年来我国农村土地承包经营权流转呈现进程加快,形式多 样等特点,但是流转中存在较多问题,流转机制不健全,还不能形成有效规模。针对我国农村 土地承包经营权流转中的现状和存在的法律问题,笔者提出了完善农村土地承包经营权流转的 对策建议,希望通过这一系列法律手段来完善土地承包经营权的流转制度,以保证流转的顺利、 有效进行。
China is a large agricultural country, with most of the population in rural areas. Agriculture, countryside and Peasantry have been called the three rural issues, which alwalys effect China’s development .Recent years, the three rural issues are still with us, even though our party and the country has made considerable efforts, that all levels of governments give a substantial increase in expenditures of three rural year by year, the three rural issue has not been fundamentally changed. Currently the survival base and development of farmers are still lived on the land. we must know that the healthy operation of the rational design of solving the three rural problems and the land system are the key points. For Land issues , the key is the circling land right . The right of transfering land is very important for optimizing the allocation of land resources, increasing agricultural productivity, leadng to agricultural industrialization and increasing peasant income .
According to authoritative statistics and datas in recent years and the author of giving social surveys to the rural land circling right in recent years, also Chinas speeding up rural land cicling right and the rendering process, and other features, there are more circulation issues, and transferance mechanism is not perfect, so all these can not form an effective scale. For Chinas rural land circulation right , presenting situations in legal issues, the author proposes a sound suggestion
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