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I I 摘要 随着改革的不断深入,我国公共体育场馆呈现了多种运营管理模式并存的局 面。佛山市公共体育场馆也存在多种经营模式,探讨各种模式相互补充协调发展 成为完善场馆管理提升优质服务的重要课题。 本研究采用文献资料法、访谈法、实地调查法、问卷调查法和数理统计法, 对佛山市公共体育场馆的经营管理现状进行分析,在实地调查的过程中了解到, 佛山市体育系统的公共体育场馆管理形式灵活多样,主要有传统事业型、事业单 位企业化管理型、企业型。不仅模式多样化,即便在同一模式下,也存在差异: 传统事业型中的有经费自理的,有财政核拨的;企业型场馆中有委托经营的,也 有采用 BOT 模式的。 在对不同管理模式的比较分析中发现,各种模式有其自身的优点与不足,员 工总体上比较认可所在场馆的管理,日常工作中基本能够认真投入,多数员工也 愿意继续留在所在场馆工作,同时也期待能够提高待遇;消费者则更希望场馆能 提供更多的免费服务,比较认可场馆的设施设备,而从消费者的锻炼习惯看来, 场馆管理者则需要灵活安排人力,以便在下午、晚上等锻炼高峰期能够保证服务 质量;多设置亲友型或亲子型项目,吸引团体消费者;加大市场开发力度,尤其 是无形资产的开发。 本研究以世纪莲体育中心的经营管理为案例,结合佛山市公共体育场馆的宏 观环境和行业环境,通过分析世纪莲体育中心对人力、财力物力等资源的调配, 探讨实行目标管理制度带来的传统事业单位改革成果;最后,在佛山市公共体育 场馆所面临的环境与形势中,分析各种管理模式完善管理的途径,结合国外经验, 为佛山市公共体育场馆经营管理提出建议。 关键词:公共体育场馆 经营管理 目标管理 II II ABSTRACT As China’s reform has gone further, public venues in China have been operated in various management models, such as public venues in Foshan. Therefore, it is one of crucial research topics to discuss different models which develop in accordance and harmony so as to promote management of venues and provide quality services. By means of literature review, interview, field survey, questionnaire and mathematical statistics method, the paper makes an analysis of the management of public venues in Foshan. In filed survey, it is known that there exist diverse management models in public venues of Foshan Athletics System, including public institutional model, enterprise-run model in public institutions and enterprise model. Even in the same model, there are different types: for example, there is not only the type on the self-reliant basis but also the one on national budget; the venues in enterprise model are either entrusted or employed in the BOT mode. Through comparative analysis of different management models, it is discovered that each one has its advantages and disadvantages. One the whole, the staff approves the management of the gyms where they are and can work devotedly. Most of the staff is willing to continuing working for their gyms and looking forward to an incre



peili2018 + 关注


