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中文摘要 中文摘要 PAGE PAGE 3 随着竞争的加剧,以制造业型为主企业面临来自市场各方面的压力:需求 的个性化,高质量低成本的要求,环保意识的要求,产品的生命周期越来越短, 促使企业不断寻求新的管理模式。现代企业已经从传统的企业内部降低成本, 转变从整个供应链的角度开始考虑如何创造更多的价值。供应商管理是供应链 管理的关键一环。与供应商建立的合作伙伴关系,这种新的经营模式正在逐步 取代传统的竞争模式,并且已经成为一种趋势和方向。这种新的经营模式有助 于降低制造商和供应商的成本,提升产品的竞争力,从而达到双赢的目的。 本文在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,首先对供应商管理相关理论进行了介 绍。其次,结合相关的理论,对该公司供应商管理现状进行了分析研究,指出 了 GY 公司在供应商管理方面存在的主要问题包括:没有进行供应商分类管理、 供应商选择与评价方面没有进行科学的定量评价、供应商绩效评估原则不明 确,并且没有建立供应商反馈机制等方面。再次,针对 GY 公司供应商管理中 存在的主要问题,提出了 GY 公司的供应商管理改进指导原则:坚持双赢的原 则,与核心供应商和战略供应商结成伙伴关系,以公司长远利益作为出发点。 最后,针对 GY 公司供应商管理方案的实施提出具体方法:建立科学的供应商 评价体系、优化供应商质量问题等。本文对 GY 公司供应商管理水平的提高提 供了有益的参考和借鉴,同时,对其它公司的供应商管理也具有借鉴意义。 关键词:供应链,供应链管理,供应商管理 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the severe price competition, the enterprises are confronted with continuously pressure: such as swiftly changing of individual customer demand, the increasing product quality, reducing the cost and green production demand, the shorting of production life cycle. Duing to these, the enterprices have to look for new management form. The modern enterprises are changing the mind of getting the profit from reducing the cost in the company to thinking to get the profit from the supply chain. The supplier management is a key part to the supply chain management; it is a tendency that the cooperation basing on the partnership would replace the price competition, it is helpful to improve the competence of the supplier and manufacturer to win-win. First, on the basis of consulting a large number of materials, this article analyzes the current research situation of relevant theories to comparatively analyze the supplier. Second, combining with relevant theories, the paper has analyzed and researched the current situation of GY company supplier management, pointed out the subject matter that GY company exists in supplier management including classifying management, the supplier chooses and estimates the respect without carrying on scientific quantitative appraisal, not establishing such respects as close cooperation with th



peili2018 + 关注


