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摘 要 抵补套利贸易是一种为实现抵补套利而构造出的,用以规避资本项目管制的 贸易形态。2013 年初,抵补套利贸易带来的外贸数据失真,引起了各界对我国外 贸数据的质疑,此后,抵补套利贸易成为我国金融市场关注的焦点之一,而目前 学界对抵补套利贸易的研究相对较少,因此,对我国抵补套利贸易的研究具有一 定的现实需要和理论价值,同时对发展中国家在融入贸易和金融全球化进程中, 防范跨境资金流动也具有借鉴意义。 本文针对广东外贸虚增的现象,在理论分析和案例分析的基础上,对粤港两 地资金内流式抵补套利贸易的产生条件、运作模式、特点和影响等方面进行了重 点研究,进而提出政府的应对原则和相应的现实应对建议。最后,对今后可能出 现的资金外流式抵补套利贸易,本文也给出了预期应对建议。 本文的创新点有三个:一是理论和实际相结合,对抵补套利贸易进行了全面 分析,测算其规模及影响程度,并指出了抵补套利贸易与跨境贸易人民币结算相 关政策的直接关系;二是基于现实情况,提出抵补套利贸易的应对原则:海关监 控定位,外管分析遏制,斩断利益链条,优化管理统计;三是从公共部门经济学 的角度,分析抵补套利贸易的外部性,并从外部性学理上的应对出发,结合实际 提出具体应对建议。 关键词:抵补套利贸易,加工贸易,黄金进料加工,保税区仓储转口 Abstract Covered Interest Arbitrage Trade(CIAT), is a trade pattern constructed for realizing covered interest arbitrage by evading capital control . At the beginning of 2013, the distorted foreign trade data caused by CIAT had been widely questioned. since then, CIAT has been focused on the Chinese financial market, but it is almost new in academia to this day, so there are theoretical value and practical need to our research , which has special reference to prevent cross-border capital flow to the developing countries . Based on the theoretical analysis and the case analysis, this paper focus on the conditions,mode of operation,characteristics and influence of capital inflow CIAT between Guangdong and Hong Kong. Then we put forward the public response principles and practical suggestions. Finally, this paper also give some respond suggestions for capital outflow CIAT. In this paper, we have three innovations. (1)we comprehensive analyze CIAT by combining theory with practice, estimate its magnitude and influence, point out the direct relationship between CIAT and the policies related Cross-border Trade RMB Settlement; (2)we put forward the response principles of CIAT: Customs monitoring and locating, The State Administration of Foreign Exchange analyzing and disposing, Cut off the benefit-chain, Optimize the management and statistics; (3)According the public sector economics theory, we analyze the exter



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