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华中科技大学硕士学位论文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II II Abstract Networked control system (NCS) is the key basis system for producing and manufacturing in the HYPERLINK /dict_result.aspx?r=1amp;t=information%2Bepochamp;searchword=%e4%bf%a1%e6%81%af%e6%97%b6%e4%bb%a3 information epoch. The nodes in NCS are interconnected according to certain communication protocols. The performance of NCS is closely related to the structure of protocol stack in nodes. Due to the lack of unified international standard, many makers provide devices or systems based on their own standard, and the non-open become a big problem during the development of NCS. Industrial Ethernet is considered as the trend of NCS, thanks to its merits of low-price, high data rate, open nature, etc. Therefore, for the promotion of NCS development, it is very important to research the protocol stack reconfiguration technology under the Industrial Ethernet architecture, which copes with the non-compatibility problem. After introducing the origin of this paper and the significance of reconfiguration technology for communication protocol stack, we generally analyze the actuality of NCS, mainstream Industrial Ethernet and protocol stack reconfiguration technology first. Then, considering the characteristics of distributed real time NCS and the barriers of applying Ethernet to industrial field, we research the real time communication solutions and the architecture of protocol stack in Industrial Ethernet. Following, we expatiate on the theory of reconfiguration, the method of realizing the reconfigurable protocol stack and the trend on the implementation schemes. Based on the research above, we analyze the requirements of reconfigurable Industrial Ethernet communication; give the architecture of reconfigurable protocol stack and design scheme. At last, we realize a prototype device for the reconfigurable Industrial Ethernet protocol stack. The experimental results prove the feasibility and validity of the reconfigurable though



peili2018 + 关注


