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华中科技大学硕士 学位论 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 PAGE VI PAGE VI 最优,C ??0.8117 ,而第二的 H5,C ??0.3083 ,从相对接近度上看存在着较大差 距; H3 最劣, C ??0.0631,H1 次之。加权秩和比法结果应用线性回归对 13 家 医院进行等级划分,优等的有 H5、H6,良的有 H2、H11、H9、H13、H8,中的 有 H1、H4、H12、H10、H7,差的有 H3。主成分得分法的分析结果显示,H6 最优,f=0.600,H5 次之,f=0.377,与 TOPSIS 的结果类似,提示第一二名间也 存在较大的差距;最劣的是 H12,f=-0.550,H1 次之,f=-0.536。从以上结果看, 加权 TOPSIS 法、加权秩和比法和主成分得分法的结果都相似。观察最优与最劣 两个极端的医院,发现医疗质量、财务运营、工作量排名靠前的医院在诊断质量、 患者角度、内部质量管理和单病种指数上排名不理想,如 H1,反之另一个极端 也存在,如 H6。 结论: 该市综合医院的总体发展形势良好。13 家医院间在各个方面差异明显,专 科医院和综合医院在许多具体指标上存在结构性差异,在没有可靠有效的校正标 准前不适合合并考察。层次分析法与熵权法结合来确定指标体系的权重可以在不 偏离研究主题下运用客观法建立合理的权重,做到理论与实际的统一,同时能反 映事物的变化规律。尽管本研究确定的绩效综合评价指标体系较全面地覆盖了考 察的各个方面,但医院间病人的不均衡特性造成了评价的偏性。为此,需要进一 步调整指标体系,使结果更加可靠。 关键词: 绩效评价 熵权法 TOPSIS 法 秩和比法 公立医院 Abstract Objective: Reasonable evaluation index system of public hospital performance and the methods to determine the index weights are searched for. Through the evaluation for the performances of 13 level-3 general hospitals in a city for six years from 2004 to 2009, the advantages and disadvantages of different evaluation methods are compared. The more scientific, more rigorous, and more reasonable evaluation methods of public hospital performance are found, providing the reference for the achievement of the new medical reform of the public hospitals. Materials and methods: Data come from the hospital management data report from 2004 to 2009 collected by a provincial health department, including nine parts, such as hospital management, basic conditions of hospitals, the quantity of medical service, the quality of medical service, the index of nursing quality, the indicators of controlling the quality, the medical service, the medical security and the economic benefit, and total 117 indexes. 13 level-3 general hospitals are chosen as evaluated objects and another two special hospitals as references. The indexes with good representation and high sensitivity are chosen from the 117 indicators which can fully reflect the performance of the public hos



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