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摘 要
本次翻译实践项目的文本包括公司章程与产品销售安装合同,所选材料受公司委托 进行翻译,同属于标准化的法律文本类型。法律文件的翻译属于典型的应用型翻译,其 翻译的准确性直接关系到文本涉及各方的权利与义务,因此准确性和规范程度要求较 高。
从文本特点来看,法律文本具有庄严性的特点,且文本格式多为标准化范式,表达 的精准度要求也比较高。此次翻译实践报告将以目的论三原则为理论指导,其中包括: 目的法则、连贯法则和忠实法则。三原则中的目的法则位于第一位,是指在进行翻译的 过程中首先要依据翻译的目的来考虑专业词汇的选取,以达到精准性。连贯法则要求强 调重点关注句式选择的平衡,以及语篇的连贯。忠实法则的实现需要在目的原则与连贯 原则的基础上,准确传达出译文所要表达的原意。
该翻译实践报告共包括四章的内容。第一章简要描述了翻译任务,说明了翻译的背 景、翻译项目的意义。第二章为翻译流程描述。第三章为案例分析,阐释了目的论三原 则对于翻译技巧和策略选择的指导,并通过目的论三原则来解决翻译中遇到的问题。第 四章为翻译实践总结,主要总结了翻译过程中对于问题的解决,并阐述了对翻译的理解 与展望。
通过本次翻译实践报告的撰写,加深了对公司章程与合同文本的了解。为以后的翻 译实践提供了借鉴与经验。
关键词: 公司章程;合同;目的论三原则;法律文本;案例分析
The translation practice project includes Company Charter and Product Sales and Installation Contract, which belong to the standardized type of legal documents. The translation of legal documents is a typical text with the nature of application. The translation accuracy of legal documents is directly related to the rights and obligations of parties involved in the text, so the degree of accuracy and specification is required quite high.
As the text features, legal document is quite solemn and with standardized text format. Moreover, the accuracy of expression is required relatively high. The translation practice report is guided by the Skopos Theory, including skopos rule, coherence rule, and fidelity rule. Skopos rule is the crucial one among them, which means that the translation should be done in accordance with the aim of translating in priority. Coherence rule puts emphasis on the parallel of words and sentences, and the realization of discourse coherence. On the basis of skopos rule and coherence rule, the fidelity rule could be realized through the precisely definition of power and responsibility.
The report includes four chapters in total. The first chapter is the description of translation task, including the translation background and the translation theory. The second chapter describes the translation process. The third chapter is the analysis of translation cases. Tra
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