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between different gender, children and the only-child, urban and rural areas. But in the average subjective well-being level, the girls’ is above the boys’, the children is above the only-child, the city’s is above the rural’s.
Fourth, there exists significant positive correlation between the score of perfectionism and subjective well-being of engineering students in Tianjin, and there exists negative correlation between the dimensions of worrying about making mistakes, doubting behavior and well-being index, and the dimension of worrying about making mistakes has a significant level. There exists significant positive correlation between orderly, personal standards and well-being index. Adapting to the good perfectionism has a significant positive correlation with well-being index., and adapting to bad perfectionism has a negative correlation with well-being index.
Fifth, among the five different dimensions of perfectionism, orderly, doubting behavior , personal standards, and worrying about mistakes, these four dimensions can predict subjective well-being effectively. Orderly and personal standards predict subjective well-being positively, and doubting behavior and worrying about making mistakes predict subjective well-being reversely.
Keywords: Perfectionism; Subjective well-being; Correctional research; Engineering- student
目 录
第一章 完美主义与主观幸福感研究综述1
1.1 完美主义的研究概述 1
1.1.1 完美主义概念的界定1
1.1.2 完美主义的理论研究2
1.1.3 完美主义的实证研究3
1.2 主观幸福感的研究综述6
1.2.1 主观幸福感的概念界定 6
1.2.2 主观幸福感的理论研究8
1.2.3 主观幸福感的实证研究 9
1.3 完美主义与主观幸福感的关系 13
第二章 问题的提出、研究内容和研究意义 15 2.1 问题的提出15
2.2 研究的内容16
2.3 研究的目的及意义 17
第三章 研究方法与研究结果 18
3.1 研究方法18
3.1.1 研究对象18
3.1.2 研究工具18
3.1.3 统计程序19
3.2 研究结果 19
3.2.1 工科大学生完美主义状况分析 19
3.2.2 不同类型工科大学生完美主义状况分析 20
3.2.3 工科大学生主观幸福感状况分析 23
3.2.4 工科大学生完美主义与主观幸福感的相关分析 24
3.2.5 工科大学生完美主义与主观幸福感的回归分析 25 第四章 分析与讨论 26 4.1 工科大学生完美主义状况分析 26
4.2 工科大学生主观幸福感状况分析 27
4.3 工科大学生完美主义与主观幸福感的相关分析 28
4.4 工科大学生完美主义与主观幸福感的回归分析 29
第五章 研究结论及建议31
5.1 研究结论31
5.2 建议 31
5.2.1 树立
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