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Personality·Revolution·Feminism ——On the Thoughts and Creation of Dingling Abstract Discussing the superficial diversities in the thoughts and creation of Dingling in her life, the paper aims to explore the intricate relation between the essences of the author’s spirits and the mainstream ideology in her ages, and considers the influences on the creative subject by such a relationship from three parts. In the first part, it deals with the various causes of the formation of Dingling’s personality and thoughts from the perspectives of the experiences in her childhood (as an original cause), the inheritance of local culture in Hunan (as a traditional source), the trend of thought in her ages (as the social atmosphere) and the critical persons influencing on her (as the group atmosphere). The establishment of Dingling’s thoughts and her creation are on the discussion in the second part. By analyzing her consciousness of personality, revolution and feminism and the larger ideological system they belong to respectively and studying the mutual and also divergent interrelationship between these consciousnesses, a clearer understanding of the variation of Dingling’s creation and her success and failure will be gained. By concerning the continuous controversy on Dingling and comparing the prosperity and decline of Dingling’s life and creation with those of her country and nation’ fate, the paper tries to approach the symbolic connotation far beyond text itself in the last part. Key Words: personality; revolution; feminism; thoughts and creation 目 录 引 言 1 一、个性及思想形成的原因 2 1、“寂寞的童年”3 2、湖湘文化的濡染7 3、时代的精魂10 4、“鲁迅的奶”12 二、思想构成及其创作 14 1、“我要飞”:个性意识与个人主义16 2、“飞蛾扑火”:革命意识与马克思主义24 (1)丁玲与左翼文学创作26 (2)体制内外的创作 30 3、“任性地飞”:女性意识与女性主义33 三、盖棺而未定论:“左右说丁玲” 38 注 释 42 参考文献 46 后 记 48 附:本人在读期间发表科研论文及获奖情况一览表49 — — PAGE 1— 个 性 · 革 命 · 女 性 ——论丁玲的思想及创作 引 言 在论及丁玲的创作时王蒙曾说,“她(丁玲)笔下的女性的内心世界常常深 于同时代其他作家写过的那些角色。她自己则比迄今为止‘五四’以来的新文 学创作中表现过的(包括她自己笔下的)任何女性典型都更丰满也更复杂更痛 苦而又令人思量和欷歔。”[1] 的确,丁玲是现代文学史上极其复杂和特异的一个。她对不同时代思潮的



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