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horizontal fragmentation and vertical fragmentation technology for data partitioni 鸣, so as to reach the highest level of locality in its applications.ηle entire system uses C/S and B/S mixed structure to maintain each sub-warehouse sites autonomy and the logical integrity of businesses.
This ar1icle discusses detailly some of the key technologies in the applications of
Oracle distributed database,for example,making use of the Oracle linking technology to connect each sub-storage sites database se凹er so as to make users of different warehouse to access other remote databases; achieving the location transparency of the system through those technologi es of synonyms,views and storage processes; reducing the transmission of informat ion throughout the network and raising the system
response speed by analyzing the technology of remote data que可.
providing the up-to-date information to business analysis and decision-making by rational use of the copy technology to gather the information from the sub-warehouse into the central sever; and lastly,出is article studies the security of distributed database so as to provide technical protection for enhancing the system integrity and reliabilit y.
Key words: Distributed Database,Logistics Management ,Oracle,Information System
1 绪论……………1
川 课题背景……. ………… 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 2
1.3 课题的研究内容……… ………4
1.4 小结 ………4
2 分布式数据库系统介绍 5
2.1 分布式数据库系统概述……………… 5
2. 1.1 DDBS 的特点及分类…… . ………… 5
DDBS 的体系结构. 7
DDB 的组成成分 7
2.1.4 DDB 的模式结构………… …… 7
2.2 Oracle 分布式数据库的特性… … 8
2.2.1 Oracle 分布式数据库的体系结构 ……… 8
2.2.2 Oracle 分布式数据库的关键技术 9
2.3小结 …………… 14
3 PowerWMS 总体设计 . 臼
3.1 系统的总体目标 ……… ...………… 15
3.2 系统的分布式数据库设计……. ……·………… 15
3.2.1 DDB 设计的 自标……·…. 15
3.2.2 DDB 的设计方法 ………… ……… 16
3.2.3 PowerWMS 站点的分布………… 17
3.2.4 PowerWMS 的分片设计 …………………… 18
3.2.5 数据库表结构设计… 21
3.3功能模块设计… ………25
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250000 3.4 PowerWMS 体系结构设计
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