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I I 摘 要 摘 要 近几年来,人们对环境污染这个概念已经耳熟能详,我们对环境污染的预防和治理 也就变得刻不容缓了。其中,重金属离子对环境和生活的污染随处可见,冶炼厂排放的 污水、矿山的开采以及重金属通过层层食物链在动植物体内的富集等。本文通过分散液 液微萃取与高效液相色谱相结合的方法,对环境水样及茶叶和药物包装胶囊壳中的重金 属离子进行了检测。 第 1 章 对常见的几种检测金属离子的方法进行了综述。通过总结其他方法,重点 突出了高效液相色谱法的一些优点,以及一些与高效液相色谱法联用的预富集方法。 第 2 章 本章建立了一种检测环境液体中微量的镍、钴、铜、汞的高效液相色谱检 测法。利用分散液液微萃取作为前富集手段,二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠作为络合剂,绿 色萃取剂正十二醇作为萃取剂,将环境样品中的待测离子进行浓缩,通过适当的流动相 对目标分析物进行分离和检测。该方法用时短、对仪器要求低、灵敏度高,适用于水体 中目标金属离子的检测。 第 3 章 曾经轰动一时的毒性铬胶囊,让人们对医药行业的诚信度产生了怀疑。铬 分为三价铬和六价铬,三价铬对人体是有益的元素,而六价铬却是对人体有害的元素。 本章就是利用分散液液微萃取结合高效液相色谱检测的方法对雨水、胶囊壳和茶叶中不 同价态的铬离子进行了分离和检测。本方法在较短的时间内达到了对目标待测物进行分 离和检测的目的,并且也达到了一定的灵敏度和检出限。 关键词 HPLC 分散液液微萃取 重金属离子 II II Abstract Abstract In recent years, people have been very familiar to the concept of environmental pollution, so environmental pollution prevention and management also becomes the urgent. Among these, the pollution of heavy metal ions to the environment and life can be seen everywhere, the sewage discharges of refinery, mine mining and heavy metals in plants and animals through the layers enrichment in the food chain ,etc. This article represented the method to detect the metal ions in environmental water samples , tea and drug packaging shells by combining the preconcentration of dispersion liquid -liquid microextraction and performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Chapter 1 Several common methods for detecting of metal ions were reviewed in this chapter. By summarizing the other methods, we highlights some advantages of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, also some enrichment methods combinated with high performance liquid chromatography were represented. Chapter 2 In this chapter, we have build a new method to test trace amounts of nickel, cobalt, copper and mercury in environment liquid by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). To concentrate the ions in the environmental samples by using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction as enrichment method, sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate as complexing agent, green extract



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