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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
料主要为微晶型结构的石墨材料。在空气气氛,超过 295 oC 温度条件下焙烧产物中
α-PbO 和 β-PbO 含量基本一致,超过 350oC,形成较大球状颗粒状分散在形状不规则的 小颗粒之间。循环伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry,简称 CV)测试证明采用该工艺浸出低 温焙烧制备的氧化铅粉,在两种不同气氛制备的铅粉氧化还原反应峰明显,出峰电位 也比较稳定,初步说明铅粉进行电化学反应时稳定性比较好。
4、新型铅粉制备电池试样的循环性能 废铅膏乙酸新工艺回收制备的铅粉较传统球磨氧化法铅粉粒径小,比表面积大,
活性较高,视密度较低,吸水值较高,显示出较高的电池容量的潜力。 新型铅粉电池循环性能的研究表明:管式炉氮气和空气 375 oC 条件焙烧制备的铅
粉的电池容量保持率均较高。 本文开展的废铅膏乙酸法常温湿法转化制备水合乙酸铅的结晶产物,再低温焙烧
制备超细铅粉的新工艺为废铅酸蓄电池清洁回收提供了一条新的途径。 关键词:废铅酸蓄电池铅膏 复合脱硫 三水乙酸铅 新型铅粉 循环性能
Since the sulfur dioxide and lead dust pollution exist in the traditional pyrometallurgical process of recycling spent lead-acid battery, hydrometallurgical processes have drawn more and more attention. In this paper, a cheaper leaching reagent, the acetic acid instead of citric acid as the major leaching reagent in our previous work, was used to recycle spent lead pastes via a green hydrometallurgical method. The suggested method consists of four main steps: (1) Lead sulfate in spent lead pastes was desulfurized with the complex desulfurizer and converted into lead carbonate; (2) The desulfurized lead pastes were leached by acetic acid solution to obtain lead acetate solution; (3) Lead acetate trihydrate was crystallized from the mother solution with addition of glacial acetic acid; (4) Ultra-fine lead oxide products were synthesized at a low temperature. The main contents are as follows:
Desulfurization procedure of spent lead paste with the complex desulfurizer
The effect of complex desulfurizer of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 on desulfurization ratio of spent lead pastes was studied. In order to improve desulfurization ratio and avoid the production of by-product, through desulfurization ratio analysis and XRD characterization, the optimal desulfurization conditions were obtained to be: 1:2 as reaction material mole ratio of desulfurizer to lead sulfate in spent lead pastes, 10.21 as solution pH, 1:20 as the mass ratio of lead pastes to water, 400 r/min as the mixing
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