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擒要 目的:探讨能温液体 (4C) 经外周静脉灌注X专家兔局灶性躏缺血的保护作用。 方法: 30只家兔采用线栓法制成大脑中动脉梗列模型后,磁机分成 3怨:对照 细 (1组)、体表冰袋降温组 CII 组〉和低温液体 (40C) 外周静脉灌注组 cur组 )0 2远远降至 (34.5士在5) C,维持24ho 监溅路混〈丁c)、豆辽东(Bp)、平均动脉压(MAP)、 硕内) 巨 ( ICP)、脑潜注!王 (CPP ) 刹中心静脉应 CCVP) 等指标。 结果z 两低温组脑温降至 35QC刑时分别为 : (48.0士7.1 )min( I1组)和 (52.3土8.9) min (111组),两组问光显著性差异 (PO.OS)。亚低温期t 111组TCP从( 12.5士2.2 ) mmHg降至 (11.0土2.2) mmHg (12h) 和( 10.5士2β)nlmHg (24川, Cpp从 (75.9土6.2) lnmIIg升至 (86.3士7.3) mmHg (2h)、(81.9土3.9) mmHg (12h) 和 (80.9土5.1) mmHg C24h) 。与对照组比较,两低温组ICP 降低, cpp升高 (PO.05),同时III组cpp 显著离 T-ll级 (PO.05)。 结论=低温浓体 (4C)经外肩章争脉灌注能降低榕注 1、降低烦内压并提高脑灌 注压,对缺血性脑损伤有明显的保护作用,是一种安全而有效的泊疗方法。 关键询:亚低混:脑缺血:脑温:烦内压:脑灌注压 1 Abstract Objective: To study the pro怡ctive etTects of infused intravenous ice-cold (4C) normal saHne on rabbits with focal cerebral ischemica. Metbods: Thirty rabbits were randomly divided into three groups after making the models of cerebral middle artery occlusion. The mìld hypothermia group (IJ) was induced by surface cooling with ice packs,ice-coJd (4QC) saline group (111) was infused 4C nonnal saline intravenously over 24h and the control group ⑦ was put in the room with temperature 22 C. Rabbits in the mi1d hypothenn?a groups were cooled to 34 0C to 3S0C and maintained for 24 hours. AI1 rabbits were monitored cerebral temperature σ吟, blood pressure (BP),mean arterial pressure (MAP) in泣acranial pressure (IC町, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and central venous pressure (CVP). Results: Target temperature in both hypothermia groups was achieved in (48.0土7.1) min (II) and in (52.3土8.9) min (111),no difference 1n the both groups was observed (PO.05). Group III had a signitìcantly lower ICP and greater CPP during c∞ling.ICP in III group was reduced fonn (12.5士3.0) mmHg to (]1.0士2.2) mmHg (l2h) and (10.5f:2.0) mrnHg (24h),the CPP significantly increased fonn (75.9土6.2) mmHg to (86.3士7.3) mmHg (2划, (81.9土3.9) mml-Ig (12h) and (80.9土5.1) mmHg (24h). Compared 町th the controlling group,ICP in both groups were signjficantly de



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